Page 3 of A New Life

The couple thanked Charlotte and madetheir way up the creaking wooden steps, suitcases in hand. Charlotte tidied upthe front desk, humming softly to herself. She loved this old inn, with itscrooked floors and old-fashioned wallpaper. It felt like home.

The front door swung open, letting in aburst of still-warm summer air—even if it was leaning cool in the evenings formthe coming autumn. Charlotte glanced up. Her eyes went wide and her heartleapt.

"Roxanne!" she cried, rushingtoward the familiar figure stepping through the doorway.

Charlotte threw her arms around hersister, breathing in the familiar scent of her perfume. Roxanne laughed andhugged Charlotte tightly.

"What are you doing here?"Charlotte asked, pulling back to beam at her sister. "I thought youweren't coming until next week!"

"I wanted to surprise you,"Roxanne said, her eyes crinkling with warmth. "I just couldn't wait to seemy little sister."

Charlotte felt a rush of affection forRoxanne. How she had missed her bold, vivacious older sister these past months!Phone calls and video chats just weren’t the same.

"Well, I'm so glad you'rehere," Charlotte said. "Come, let me show you around." Charlottelinked her arm through Roxanne's and led her into the cozy sitting room,chattering away. She felt lighter than she had in ages. “Or first—sit! You mustbe tired from traveling.”

"I still can't believe you just upand bought this place," Roxanne said, shaking her head. "It's crazy,but I love it. I wish I could have seen the look on Daniel’s face when you toldhim you weren’t coming back to New York with him."

Charlotte laughed. "It was animpulse buy, I'll admit. But I don't regret it one bit."

They settled onto the plush sofa in thesitting room. Charlotte studied her sister, noticing the dark circles under hereyes.

"That was a long flight, wasn'tit?" she said sympathetically. "You must be exhausted."

Roxanne waved a hand. "I'llsurvive. I took a nap on the plane." She stifled a yawn. "Well, maybea short one wouldn't hurt."

"Why don't you go settle into yourroom and rest up?" Charlotte suggested. "I was saving a suite foryou. We'll have plenty of time to catch up later."

Roxanne nodded and headed up the creakystairs, leaving her suitcase in the parlor. Charlotte watched her go, smilingto herself. It was so good to have her sister here.

Charlotte tidied up the sitting room,plumping pillows and folding blankets. She felt a swell of pride looking aroundat the inn's cozy interior. Bringing this old place back to life had been achallenge, but a rewarding one.

She peeked into the dining room, makingsure the table settings were arranged just so. Tonight, after the guests wereserved, they would share a delicious meal, laughing and chatting late into theevening. It would be a trip to remember, she just knew it. And a whole weeksooner than she had anticipated—so no waiting!

Charlotte straightened a crookedpainting in the foyer, then paused to look out the large bay window. The latemorning sun glinted off the sea in the distance. She pushed open one pane andbreathed in the salty air, feeling a sense of peace.

The front door opened and anotherelderly couple shuffled in, suitcases in hand. Charlotte turned to greet themwith a warm smile.

"Welcome to the Crown Inn,"she said, mentally scrolling through the reservations. "You must be theSmiths."

"That's us," the manconfirmed. "Lovely place you have here."

His wife nodded in agreement, gazingaround the foyer. "It's absolutely charming."

Charlotte checked them in, then gavethem a quick tour. She showed them the dining room and sitting areas, thrillingwhen they oooh’d and ahhh’d over the restorations and her descriptions of thedelicious breakfasts that would be served each morning.

"If you need anything at all,please let me know," she told them as she walked them to their room.

After making sure they were comfortablysettled, Charlotte returned downstairs. She noticed a vase of drooping flowers.She carried it into the kitchen to replace the water. As she trimmed the flowerstems, Charlotte heard agitated voices in the lobby. She hurried out to find anupset young couple standing at the check-in.

"I specifically requested a roomwith a view," the woman said as Charlotte appeared. "Ours faces thedriveway."

Charlotte approached with an apologeticsmile. "So sorry for the mix-up," she said smoothly. "Let me seewhat I can do."

After a quick check, she relocated themto a beautiful second-floor room overlooking the sea. The couple was thrilled.With the issue resolved, she glanced at her watch. Time to take a break and getRoxanne’s luggage up to her room.

Charlotte found Roxanne alreadyrelaxing in one of the cozy sitting areas near the fireplace in her suite.

"I'm so glad you're here early.We're going to have the best time," Charlotte said as she depositedRoxanne’s rolling suitcase and duffel bag near the bed.