Page 58 of Dragon Claimed

"Get up. I will not allow my victory to be you submitting to me. Face me…if you can."

Kaida was amused to find her idea working. She stretched out her body and feigned, struggling to get to her feet. Making her body sway, Kaida looked up at Gemar. He wore a deep blue robe and the crown of dragons upon his head. She could tell he felt cocky from his straightened back. For a moment, she listened to the battle that still ensued around the island. It wasn't as loud as before, giving her hope that it was coming to a close. There were a few roars that sounded like ones she knew. She could assess that it wasn't her mates with a quick check through the bonds.

"A battle to the death is what you want?"

"I don't want my throne and authority to be questioned. If you do not do as I wish, I will create another heir who can. Once I kill you, I will kill my son and go home to make another. I have many years left, so I don't need Enzo to do my bidding. I will produce a more loyal one to me."

Kaida nodded at him. "Okay. A battle to the death it is."

Gemar flashed her a wicked grin. "Let's begin."

The scent of ozone filled her nose again, and the sound of thunder, which she had overheard, made Kaida take a deep breath. As she centered herself, she called her magic to her. With her mates nearby, she could also draw on their power and magic. With a gentle push, her power flowed outward as her body encased in purple energy. Gemar's eyes widened as her magic spread outward. There was a ring of flames and ice as the air around her swirled and the rocks nearby lifted off the ground. Kaida smirked at Gemar, and for the first time, she could see a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Yes, let's."

Kaida threw her hands forward, and the power of the elements and her plasma flew through the air toward Gemar. A deep blue shield blocked the attack, but Gemar's arms shook before he dropped them after the last bits of rock collided against it. He called lightning down from the sky, and Kaida used her shield to block it. Compared to the last attack, Kaida barely flinched.

"You know what your problem is, Gemar? You think you are always the most powerful person in the room. You don't even know what others are capable of, yet you still feel the need to believe you can beat them."

With a swipe from her hand, a gust of wind blew from the side and knocked Gemar sideways. She noticed his hands come together, and an arc of light shot out toward her. With a flick of her wrist, she slapped it away. Power built inside her as she felt her mates pouring their power and strength into her through the bonds. She stayed where she stood but continued to taunt Gemar. She pictured an invisible shield around her, and she could see the shimmer of it at least two feet in diameter to tell her it was there. If Gemar attacked, she would be safe.

"Storm Dragons are not the most powerful the Great Dragon has produced. To be honest, the Plasma Dragon isn't either unless they have found their mates. I worked at twenty percent until my mates completed their bonds with me. Before then, you could have squashed me. If you were smarter, you would have killed me right after Enzo rejected me for being dragonless."

"He was supposed to kill you! After he dropped you off here, he was supposed to kill you!" Gemar spat at her before sending another round of bolts at her.

Kaida lifted her hands, calling the air to do her bidding, and watched Gemar lift off the ground. She brought her hands back down, and Gemar groaned as his back connected with the earth.

"Fun fact: once a Plasma connects with her mate, her power enters them. Plasma can burn through abilities like yours. You were able to get him to reject me, but the plasma magic ate away at your command to kill me."

Gemar roared before gathering his magic. Thunder overhead rumbled through the field. The battle away from them stopped as if they were waiting for further instruction. Lightning rained down around Kaida, and she pushed more magic into her shield to stop it from reaching her. Ozone wrapped around her, and Kaida tried to angle her shield to make the lightning spray off it and go back toward Gemar. Due to lightning having its own pattern with each bolt, none were angled quite right to strike Gemar. This time, she called Arlo's Terrain magic and shook the ground beneath Gemar as he tried to reach his feet. With the ground being uneven, he fell flat on his face.

Gemar snarled at her. "Using Elemental magic on me. How pathetic."

Kaida tilted her head before lifting a boulder with the Terrain magic and hovering it above Gemar. "No. Using Elemental magic is empowering. The things you can do with this magic are incredible. How you ever thought they were the weaker species is what I can't understand," the conversation with Amy popped into her mind, and Kaida snarled at him. " And because you threw away your Terrain Fated Mate is why you are weak."

She felt inside the mate bond with Enzo when he heard what she said. Being reminded that his father had a mate that was not his mother filled him with rage. Gemar never told anyone about Amy, not even Nande. Gemar stared at her with his mouth agape.

"I was on the island where your mate has lived since you rejected her and left her behind. Of course, I was going to learn of your secret. What would the queen say if she learned about your Fated Mate?"

Gemar snarled and gathered his magic once more. Thunder overhead rumbled louder than before, and a cloud shrouded him until only he and Kaida were visible. She felt his power roll off him, but it wasn't as intimidating as it was before now that she had seen what power could actually look like.

"You know nothing of what you say, child! I do not have to explain myself to you! I will show you the power of the Storm Dragon once and for all!"

The cloud Gemar created sparked with light from lightning that built throughout it. Gemar's power circled her as he commanded his power to spread around the inside of the cloud. She could feel the static from the lightning and readied herself for the attack. She quickly gathered her magic and braced her shield for Gemar to let loose his magic.

Gemar's lightning strike connected with her shield before she could put enough power into it to stop his attack. Kaida fell to her knees before throwing herself onto the ground to avoid the arcs of light. Small bolts arched off from the main bolts and connected with her skin. Kaida cried out as the hot magic seared her skin. Inside of the mate bonds, she heard her mates roar. Kaida felt the skin on her legs and arms bubble as Gemar gathered his magic again.

"This is why I am king! Even the great Plasma Dragon cannot withstand the power of my storm!"

The rumble overhead told Kaida the oncoming attack was larger than before. She tried to move her appendages to no avail. They screamed with pain through her system, and she couldn't move to call her magic to save her. Gemar cackled as he raised his hands toward the sky. A large body surrounded her as he pulled his arms down to bring down the wrath from the sky. The red glimmer of Blaze's scales as he pulled her close to her chest and tucked his wings around him to block the oncoming attack. She heard the lightning crackling as Blaze's roar was stuck in his throat. Through the bonds, she could feel the pain he was experiencing, and she could barely stop herself from trying to get onto her feet so she could attack Gemar while Blaze was taking the bulk of the attack. The noise he made had Kaida pulling onto the mate bonds to speed up her healing. Once she felt the healing of her bubbling skin and the pain it brought to her muscles from the attack, Kaida jumped to her feet and put her hands on Blaze's muzzle.

"What did you do? Are you crazy?!"

I just lived what a mate bond with you is like. There was no way I was going to give it up so soon.

"You could have died!"

At least it wouldn't have been you.