Page 6 of Dragon Claimed

A knock at the door broke Enzo's stare, and a snarl escaped his lips. Esen and Beckett stood between them and the door from where they sat before. Beckett rolled his eyes and rolled his shoulders before his hand found the doorknob. Given the tension in his shoulders, the Tidal Dragon was also unhappy about the broken moment. Enzo quickly hoped that the person on the other side of the door did not get a faceful of fists after ruining something all five seemed to want.

The door opened, and a blonde-headed kid around the age of fifteen stood with a letter in his hand. His gray eyes were rolling back and forth, stopping for a second on each person inside. There was a shiver in the boy's body as he felt the wave of power from them all strike him. Enzo grimaced as he realized the boy was terrified of everyone inside. He was smart to be since they all could wipe the floor with him with their power, but the only reason he was being glared at was due to Enzo putting the idea of a shared moment with Kaida in their heads. Another person moved from behind the kid. Enzo growled before recognizing Blaze's red hair and his aura of rage around him. Enzo sighed heavily in annoyance that Blaze allowed his person into the house, let alone let him come upstairs and knock on their door.

"A letter came for Prince Enzo. It bears the seal of the King and Queen." The boy's hand shook as he held out the scroll.

There was a collective rumble from each dragon inside the room. The past few days had become so busy that Enzo forgot that his parents would eventually want to know what was happening and when he was coming home. He knew the letter he had sent before would not be enough. Why would it be? The King and Queen were not patient people; they would want their son home to resume his duties so he could eventually take the throne.

Beckett took the scroll and held it out to Enzo to take. Enzo did his best not to snatch it. He didn't need to cause trouble amongst the group—not now, not when things were starting to level out.

Enzo noticed the seal of the Great Dragon with the crown on its head. It was unbroken, meaning Blaze didn't try to open it. This surprised Enzo, given Blaze seemed to be the one who liked to cause trouble. Enzo picked at the wax to break it and slowly rolled out the paper to reveal his father's perfect handwriting. Enzo prayed that the words were nothing more than asking for an update. However, he noticed that the paper was longer than needed for such a short message. Enzo dismissed the boy and thanked him for bringing him the message. He waited until he heard the front door open and shut before he did anything. Blaze stood in the hallway and leaned on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He wasn't going to move, and Enzo didn't feel like telling him to leave since this most likely had to do with him and Kaida. It wasn't worth the fight.

Enzo cleared his throat and began to speak the message out loud.

Dearest Son,

You must return to the realm where your presence has been greatly missed. The kingdom stands as a testament to the legacy of its people, and your contributions have long been a pillar of our prosperity.

We hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. May it serve as a beacon, guiding you back to the embrace of a kingdom that eagerly waits for your return. Bring Lady Hilmir home so we may bask in her power and let our houses merge. Our kingdom will thrive under your rule with her by your side, and we will rejoice as one again.

With profound regards and anticipation,

King Gemar and Queen Nande

Enzo looked up from the paper and found the three princes at Kaida's side. They all shared the same expression of concern. This message did not feel as welcoming as it sounded. Enzo knew better than to believe that his father wanted Kaida home, considering he never wanted Enzo to go back to the island to retrieve her in the first place.

Unless he realizes I will not return without her, he has no choice but to accept her.

"I don't like this. This feels like a setup," Beckett said, breaking the silence.

Kaida opened her mouth, but Arlo's voice stopped her from speaking.

"Of course, it is a setup. What else could it be? The barrier is down, and Kaida is the only one powerful enough to break it. There is no way in hell he doesn't know that, and that's why he wants her to go back," Arlo snarled.

Kaida opened her mouth again but closed it before Enzo shook his head at Arlo's idea.

Enzo sighed. "But it could also be a way for us to discover his plans. He could want me home to lead the attack without me here."

"More reason to keep you both here. If he leads an attack here, we have two powerful dragons to help fight," Esen added.

"I don't know. I can't see him attacking without knowing everything that he can. I've never heard him having spies here to learn about the comings and goings of you four. That would be something he would do if he actually felt threatened."

Beckett scoffed. "I doubt that he doesn't have people here feeding him information. We just never gave him a reason to feel threatened. We four have always only trusted each other with those sorts of things, so one of us would have had to tell him for him to know anything. I know for a damn fact none of us have."

Enzo glanced at Blaze. "You sure about that?"

Blaze lifted his lip in disgust at Enzo. It was the other's growls that pulled him back.

"Blaze is not like that. He would not risk us, his brothers, just because he does not care for Kaida."

Enzo wasn't so easily convinced.

"Why am I being talked about like I am not here?"

Kaida's voice was filled with anger. Enzo couldn't blame her. They ignored her just now. But she didn't know as much as they did about these things.

"We know you are here. We are just speaking about what we know and assume."

"And you assume you can tell me that I can or cannot go back to Dragaal?"