Page 38 of Dragon Claimed

Amy looked down at her stomach, smirked, and rubbed her belly. Kaida could see the fabric of her green, flowy dress ripple from the kick Amy received from the child inside.

"Not at all. I know some people will ensure my and my kids’ safety. I know that if the king made a move here, I would already be put somewhere safe, and my husband would join the fight. I know many others who would do the same. Yes, there has been pushback about the talk of going to the kingdom's shores and fighting for our equality, but if it came down to it, every inhabitant on the island would jump in to defend it."

Kaida sighed, and her shoulders sagged from the relief Amy's words brought. She didn't expect to hear that the people would rally behind her. No matter how much she has grown into understanding her place in this world now that her dragon has emerged, the sliver of doubt always managed to creep in. If people were just giving themselves time to adjust to her ascending to the throne, that was easy enough to allow.

"Thank you. You have relieved some of my thoughts about what is going on."

"Anytime. I believe you should talk to others from time to time. It'll settle your nerves more once you see for yourself."

Kaida looked toward the children. "I plan to."

Amy's kind words gave her a new perspective, and Kaida walked toward where they had caged Blaze.

Aloud roar caught Kaida's attention as she strolled toward the building that contained berserk townspeople. Kaida broke out into a run and followed the noises of a dragon roar and a Lycan howl. Her first thought was that Blaze had escaped his cell and run rampant through the town. She had to weave through three streets before she came across an Ember Dragon blowing fire toward a shifted Lycan. The dragon's vibrant red scales and smaller form told Kaida that this was, at least, not Blaze after escaping his cage. The Lycan was a mixture of grays, with his back darker and his coat lighter toward his feet. They were in the middle of the town, with just enough space for the dragon to move freely. The Lycan did not seem interested in hurting the dragon until the dragon managed to grab the Lycan's tail and tossed him against a building.


The Lycan's speed was an advantage as he jumped back onto his feet and zipped in and out of the dragon's feet, avoiding the Ember dragon's stomps from his large feet and teeth as the dragon snapped its jaws when the Lucan was out in the open. With one swipe of its claws, the Lycan opened the dragon's stomach. It would have been a more critical hit if it had been a more direct swipe, not as the Lycan dashed underneath the dragon.

What do I do? Is my magic enough, or should I shift?


Her dragon pushed for her to burst from her skin. Once her feet were on the ground, Kaida let out a roar and pushed her power toward the two creatures fighting to the death. The dragon stopped momentarily to look at Kaida before he opened his mouth and spewed fire her way. A shield easily blocked it, and it barely caused her shield to shake, proving to Kaida that this dragon was not so powerful that she couldn't control herself. The Lycan attempted to scurry off while the dragon was distracted, but the dragon’s tail collided with the Lycan’s body and sent him against a different building. Kaida could hear the stone crack, making her aware that if the dragon continued to fight within the town, he would destroy it.

I wonder if the dragon would get pissed enough to follow us...

Only one way to find out.

Kaida blasted her plasma at the ember dragon and lifted her body from the ground with a few flutters of her wings. The ember dragon roared and spread his wings. Kaida flew up into the sky, and the ember dragon followed. A glance below showed her the Lycan ran off while the dragon focused on her.

Good. Now, to get this goon away from the town.

She continued to fly toward the clouds to draw the dragon away from the island completely. He was on her heels and snapping his jaws at her tail. Kaida leaned to the side as she heard the crackling of fire brewing, and it was just in time before a pillar of flames blasted next to her body. The heat from the flames made Kaida tilt her body back to do a flip in the air and fly behind the ember dragon. The confusion distracted the dragon long enough for Kaida to draw out her power.

A thought crossed Kaida's mind as the dragon whipped his head toward her and screeched as he opened his jaws to build his fire: Can I just wash my power over this poor man to rid him of the Dark Dimension's influence? I can't just blast him with Plasma; I could kill him that way.

No way to know until we try.

Kaida wasted no time and pushed her power outward. She could see a purple aura of her magic blanket over the dragon. His eyes widened, and she could hear a sizzling sound as her magic consumed the dragon's body. A black wisp floated off the dragon, and Kaida could see the Dragon's body language change from tense to relaxed. She looked further into his eyes and noticed that there were no black swirls inside of his pupils. Her magic had disintegrated the dark dimensions effects.

It worked!

She shifted back into her human form but kept her wings to remain in the air. The Ember Dragon did the same. An older kid with auburn hair and amber eyes stared at her. His face was a little chubby, and his body had more weight than Kaida was used to on supernaturals of any kind. His skin had a youthful glow, and Kaida realized that this was a newly emerged dragon.

" Are you okay?" She asked him.

The kid nodded. " I am now. How did you do that?"

"It's hard to explain. Let's just say that I am a breed of dragon that overpowers many other magics."

The kids shivered from the chilly air. " Sounds good to me. Am I in trouble?"

" Why would you be in trouble?"

"I attacked that man! He did nothing, and I still attacked him."

Kaida frowned at him. "No, you are not in trouble. You lost control of your dragon due to a dark magic overtaking the island. I know what to look for, and you have all the signs. You aren't in trouble."