Page 32 of Dragon Claimed

Enzo smirked. "That is the one downfall of my father: hubris. He believes he is invincible, so he does not surround himself with anyone to protect him. He believes a good king should be able to rely on himself and his wits to keep him and his family safe. He is not guarded in the least. If we can get the opportunity to attack my father one-on-one, we can overthrow the kingdom."

"That is the most insane thing I have ever heard. You should always have somebody to watch over you, especially if you are a king. Most tyrants have royal guards; it's part and parcel of the role," Esen reported.

"My father is not a trusting man. He believes anybody with his back is best positioned to stab it. He had kept secrets from me my entire life because he feared I would usurp him one day, that I would plan to kill him to take over before he was ready to hand over the kingdom."

"Well, maybe if he were less of a dick, no one would try to kill him," Esen scoffed.

Esen's statement made the guys laugh out loud. Kaida admitted that even she thought his statement was funny. The truth in his words caused everyone's tension to die down.

Beckett looked at Enzo and asked, "How can we access the kingdom's back area to make this plan work?"

Enzo thought about it for a second. "We will have to go to the outskirts of the border. From there, we can move into position."

Kaida knew how they could do that. "We could start on my family's land. A river runs from the ocean that we could fly above and then cut into the land. My family would keep our secret safe."

"How are you so sure about that?" Enzo asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Inside the mate bonds, Enzo wasn't the only one wondering about that. They all wanted to ask that question, but Enzo was the only one brave enough to do it.

"I am their daughter. As loyal as they are to the throne, they would be more loyal to me. If I am standing against the king and queen, they will trust I have a reason why. They know how the king and queen are and will always do right by the throne and keep the peace inside of the kingdom. They have told me they have had to heavily say their input to keep the king from making drastic mistakes."

Arlo looked over to Enzo. "And you wonder why we people here on the island were not fans of your father. It is the same here. The only reason people started to thrive on this island was because of the work and sacrifices of our parents. Before they died, our parents truly encouraged everyone on this island to create the businesses that are now here. Sure, we had some, but not nearly as many as we do now."

"I understand that life on this island has been difficult. One thing I wanted to change when I took my place on the throne was to change the laws that kept the people on this island to be abolished."

Kaida nodded in agreement. "This is true. This was one of the things we discussed that we would change when we took the throne."

"That's good to hear, but we must take matters into our own hands. The king is now the main enemy, and we must take him off the throne before things worsen. Since you two fled from the kingdom to return here, it is only a matter of time before the king and queen send their army here to kill us all," Beckett pointed out. “We must make the first move if we stand any chance of coming out on top.”

Kaida knew he was right. They painted targets on their backs the day they chose to flee the kingdom. The king knew he could not control them, and because of that, it would be time to attack the island to ensure they would not show the entire kingdom who the king really was. The last thing the king needed was for his son to expose that he could control anyone he wished who was a dragon shifter.

"Do we even have enough people to pull this off?" Kaida asked the group.

All of them shrugged.

"We may have five hundred people that are willing to come with us," Beckett finally answered.

"That can be more than enough if we plan everything to a T. If we have the right plan and execute it perfectly, we may only need five more people. That would be just enough people to remove the guards inside the council. Well, we five can get to the King and Queen," Enzo said to them.

Kaida knew they were right. They only needed a handful of people to execute their plan truly. Having as many people as they possibly could has been beneficial in case their plan goes sideways. They would need to hold another meeting to have a better head count of how many people were willing to sacrifice themselves for a better cause. Even though it did not go well last time, and many people argued this was not something they were willing to do, if they explained it well enough that this would lead to everyone being able to return to the mainland, maybe they would be able to pull enough people to do this.

"Are there enough people who are not mated and have nothing to lose that we could do this?" Kaida asked no one in particular.

She knew her question made everyone feel like they should be second-guessing their plan. However, she needed to discuss this plan further and possibly only take a minimum number of people so the casualties would only be a few if anything went wrong. The last thing Kaida wanted was to show the island that she was willing to sacrifice everyone for her plans. That was exactly what the Council, the king, and the queen currently do, leading everyone to dislike their role.

"There is a chance that we will have enough people. Over the last couple of years, we have been grooming people to be in the island’s army possibly," Arlo answered her.

She pushed a little more, "How many people is that?"

Beckett caught her eye, "From our last count, around five hundred."

Enzo looked back at them. "Do you think we can find more?"

Beckett shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe when we have those two hundred, we can stand up and show everybody else how willing they are to keep their people safe."

It was the best idea they had.

Enzo stood up and walked over to the window facing the rest of the island. He sighed, and his shoulders sagged. She could feel that he was thinking something. He was unsure if he should even bring it up, but he knew that it was a possible plan of attack that could get them further inside than their original plan. "What if we managed to find enough people to come with us and evaluate all of the kingdom's entry points? Do some recon? We can then return that information and know if our plan will be well-executed."