Page 8 of Dragon Claimed

Kaida shifted into her human form and allowed her wings to continue hovering her in the air. "I just needed a minute. It's been a while since I have seen the castle. I thought I would never see it again."

Enzo also shifted into his human form and responded comfortingly, "I am right here. I won't allow anything to happen to you again."

Kaida shook her head. "That's not what I’m worried about."

"Then what is?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"I don't know. A lot. I- I don't know."

Enzo flew closer to her, reaching out his hand for her to take. Electricity danced against her skin as it connected with his. It was a feeling she would never grow used to now that they were mates. He was hers. Finally, hers.

"Things will not be like it was last time. We are bonded. His power can't affect me since I am already bonded to you," he reassured her.

"That was the Dark Dimension, Enzo. It's not the same as this weird ability your father has. We don't know for sure if you can resist his ability just because you are bonded to me."

Enzo frowned. "I feel like it will. It's not just me who is fighting this ability now. The others flow through me just as they flow through you."

Kaida blinked at him, astonished. "You can feel the others?"

"Not like you can, but I can feel them a little, especially if it is a strong emotion. I think that's what makes you different, Kaida. It's not just about your power. You can love us all. That alone is going to carry us through all of the shit we are going to have to muck through."

She lowered her eyes but wore a smile, "Come on. They'll suspect something if we just fly around here. It's not like we are tiny birds."

They both shifted back into their dragon forms and resumed their course toward the castle. The knot in Kaida's stomach was still there, weighing her down and making her feel like they should turn back. The only thing motivating her to press forward was knowing Enzo was ahead of her, and she had her dragon to shift into if they needed to run. He would do whatever it took to keep them safe, and her dragon was mighty enough to bring the castle to rubble if necessary.

King Gemar and Queen Nande stood at the top of the stairs and peered down at Kaida and Enzo. At that moment, Kaida was happy that Azulia had fashioned a dress to represent her dragon. The stitching on the deep purple dress was in hoops to appear as scales. Some pieces were a little loose, such as a bright purple to show off the color of her magic and even a few spikes on the shoulders to show off her dragon's horns on her face and along her back. Azulia also added a tiny scarf for her neck to hide the multiple mate marks since Enzo wanted to keep that from his parents. When she put it on that morning and looked in the mirror, Kaida felt fierce and ready to confront the royals who deemed her unworthy because her dragon had not emerged yet. Enzo was by her side, looking more royal than ever with his blue cloak and gold garment that almost resembled a suit. The colors somehow complimented hers, and he offered her his arm to take. It would draw their eyes to her right side, where the sigil pin was on the castle tower. It was a move to show his parents that she was his. Putting the royal sigil on her was telling them she was royal, regardless of their thoughts.

When they reached the top, Kaida curtsied while bowing her head. Enzo did not do a thing, though Kaida knew he still should have bowed. She gave him the side eye, but he stared into his father's eyes. Kaida held her breath. Royals don't usually challenge traditions. Enzo's not acknowledging his parents as his superiors could cause his father to lose it. That wasn't the plan. The plan was to kiss up to them so they would want to share information.

Gemar smiled at his son, "It's wonderful to see you, son. I assume your flight back from the island was pleasant."

Enzo gave him a nod. "Yes. Clear skies and the wind were in our favor."

"Good." Gemar turned to Kaida. It took everything in her not to growl. "Kaida. It is a pleasure to see that you are home. Congratulations on your dragon emerging! That was a relief to hear."

"Was it? I would assume that was not something joyous for you after our last encounter."

Gemar's face was rid of emotions. Kaida could not see how he felt about her remark at all. Nande's lips tightened, but she managed to smile at Kaida. The whites of her teeth nearly sparkled under the sun's light, reminding Kaida that the queen could be dangerous, too.

"I hope you understand our position when we learned of your... situation. Our son is the last of our line. Dragonless was not what we could afford in his queen. However, that was not the case. We apologize for not waiting longer than we had for your dragon to emerge. Tell me, is that usual for Plasma's?"

"From the script of a document we found, yes. It takes longer for them to form their magic and connect with their person, which causes them to emerge later than others."

"Fascinating," Gemar said with a smile. "You'll have to show us your Plasma's form! I've heard she is quite a beauty."

Kaida looked at Enzo. He smirked to ease her concern, admitting through his smile that he had told Gemar what her dragon looked like. Kaida breathed more easily, knowing it was Enzo who shared the information.

"Gemar, let them go to their room and rest. It's quite a journey from the island, even by flight." Nande patted her mate's arm and gently pulled him back.

"Yes. That is true. Go to your room and get some rest. We can catch up at dinner."

Enzo led them to his room. His parents did not follow them or say anything else. It gave Kaida hope that things wouldn't be too bad while they stayed here.

Well. Outside of his parents bringing up why they didn't want me to be with their son until now.

I could have vanquished them so we did not have to deal with them further.

No. That would have led to more issues than less. Some people are entirely devoted to the king and queen but not so much to Enzo yet. Part of the politics of the kingdom.