Page 7 of Dragon Claimed

Kaida pushed herself off the bed, not allowing anyone to touch her or help her off. "I am going with Enzo on this. What if we go and learn something about his plans? I can make it seem like I am happy to be home and hated my time on the island. It's not like I couldn't mention that the four princes attempted to kill me several times but managed to get away long enough to allow my dragon to emerge."

Enzo joined in with the others to protest, but Kaida held up her hand to stop them.

"I want to see how he responds to me being a Plasma. I want to know how he reacts knowing that his son and heir is bonded to me. Enzo is to take the throne someday. With me being bonded to him, I will have to take it with him. There is nothing that the King can do to change that, even if he wants to. To know the enemy, you must understand them. I know nothing about the King, even though I should. I took advantage of being a princess, and not in the way I should have. Now that I am the future queen, I will not repeat that mistake. I will join Enzo to Dragaal. It's not as if I am defenseless. I can handle myself, and Enzo will be with me."

"What if we ask Adrien to make us invisible to others? So, we can go to protect you while you're there," Beckett suggested.

Kaida shook her head, "No. I don't see that going well at all. Besides, we can’t leave the island completely unprotected. Blaze may be powerful, but having all four princes here is the best thing for everyone."

"She's right. My father has protections to reveal things like that."

"So..." Arlo sounded worried.

"So, Enzo and I leave tomorrow morning for Dragaal. I promise we will diligently observe our surroundings and leave the moment things look like they're going the wrong way."

Enzo watched the others open their mouths to protest, and Enzo could feel her power gathering around her. They all stopped in their tracks. Enzo noticed Blaze looking at Kaida intently, a smirk on his lips as she commanded them to stop fighting her.

"We know nothing right now. If we go, we can learn things to lead our people correctly. Let's enjoy the rest of our day. Enzo and I leave in the morning."

Kaida curled back up on the bed, opening her book to the page she was on. Enzo smiled at her, the fire inside of him burning brighter than it did before.

She is going to be an amazing queen. I can't wait for Dragaal to see it.

The wind felt liberating as it rushed across Kaida's snout. She felt the cool, invigorating caress sweep away all traces of her anxiety as Enzo's brilliant blue and gold form flew beside her. The air danced over her skin, tingling as it went, full of life and energy as it assisted their travel toward Dragaal. As the wind whipped around them, Kaida could only hear the wisps of the air and the gentle waves of the water below them. It was always freeing to fly amongst the clouds. From the moment her wings sprouted from her back, Kaida understood why so many spent most of their day in their dragon form and being one with the sky. It was a taste of freedom not every person was granted in this world.

When the shoreline beaches came into view, Kaida felt her stomach tighten. The reality of her returning to Dragaal settled in. The letter seemed to be more diplomatic than a generous offer. Kaida had seen her father write letters like that. No matter what Enzo believed, Kaida knew there were hidden intentions to bring her back to Dragaal. This could be a way to ensnare her father into stepping down from his position. This could be a ploy to make her reject Enzo and return to the island while he mended his broken heart before Gemar found a more suitable mate.

Or this is to substantiate the claim that I am a Plasma. The only people who have seen my dragon are on the island, but if they come to the island, then they risk those who despise them being able to take their lives. They know better than that.

Then why are we flying to their cave? This will give them the advantage.

They don't know that attacking me would be the worst thing they ever did. They won't kill Enzo. He is the kingdom's future since no males will take the throne after him. They kill me. He will abandon them.

They can always make another heir.

The barrier is down. Those who have grown tired of being outcasts will rise and fly here.

I don't know. Many did not seem too keen on that idea.

If I die and the barrier is threatened to return, I think they will.

So, you plan to die?

No. I plan to receive answers.

Once the beaches were underneath them, Kaida waited to be thrown back from the force of the barrier keeping them from crossing, but there was no warm sensation against her scales of magic or arcs of light around her.

I did it. I truly broke the barrier.

It wasn't long before the castle came into view. The sun reflected it the same way it had the first time she had seen it many months ago. The pearl scales shimmered with a radiant luster that captured the full light spectrum. Each scale reflected the sun's rays and revealed iridescent hues that seemed to dance and change as the angle of light shifted. It had many towers at varying heights, with the smaller ones in the front and gaining height as it went back. Kaida zeroed in on the dragon in the shape of an S, with the lightning spurting out of its mouth to form a circle around it.

A knot twisted in the pit of Kaida's stomach. Her momentum stopped, and she found herself hovering in the air. The sound of her heart in her ears as she stared at the castle made her want to turn back. Now that it was in her view, it was real. She was returning home. She could see her family again, hug her parents, and tell them everything that had been going on.

But could she trust them not to tell the king and queen about their plans? Her father was his right-hand man. Would he choose his daughter over his loyalty to the crown and king? Dracul was a loyal man through and through. Not once did he do anything to disprove his loyalty to the throne. Not even when Enzo grabbed Kaida from that room and dragged her to become part of the outcast. Dracul allowed that to happen to his daughter even though that meant there was a chance he would never see her again.

No. I cannot tell them that we plan to take the throne. I cannot trust them to keep it from Gemar. If they could not choose their daughter over the king when she was forced to be cast out from her home, they would not choose their daughter this time, either.

Enzo flew in front of her and hovered so he could look her in the eye. Inside their bond, he pushed through his feelings of worry about her. Kaida knew he could feel her questioning this plan while staring at the kingdom instead of flying toward it. How he expected her not to stop for a moment before re-entering the place that deemed her unfit to live in once he rejected her, she would never know. However, he did not experience it as she did.