Page 20 of Dragon Claimed

"Forgot about the fact that you had a vision. What the fuck is up with that? I thought you said you had to be born with this ability?" Remy asked Adrien before walking over to the cabinet full of potions that Adrien cooked up. "Is there a potion in here that can help you?"

"Yeah. It's in a pink bottle shaped like a prism."

Remy looked around briefly and tilted her head. "Is it shimmering the rainbow?"

Adrien let out a small laugh and then groaned in pain. "Yes. That is what prisms do."

Remy grabbed the small bottle, uncorked it, and handed it to Adrien. "Drink up and explain this mess. I really want to know how you managed to get a vision when you’ve never had them before."

Adrien downed the contents and groaned in pain some more from the movement. "You and me both."

"So, spill, what is with the random vision," Kaida demanded.

Adrien's color returned to her face, and the tension in her shoulders relaxed a little. She could sit upright for the first time since Kaida had seen her, which bode well.

"Okay. So. There is a legend amongst my people about a High Priestess who can wield all of the abilities that witches possess. This would make her a Supreme Witch and rule the entirety of the kingdom if this happens. The abilities are visions, teleportation, creation of portals, telekinesis, illusion manipulation, resurgence, or the ability to revive herself or others from the dead and control spirits. These abilities, and some other abilities, are spread among our people. Each person given an ability is born with it, so my getting one this late in life makes me think about this legend. The legend states that one person can have seven abilities, making them the most powerful witch in the realm. If someone ascends to this power level, they are to rule the kingdom."

Kaida stared blankly at her friend while she processed what was said. If Adrien's legend was true, this meant that she could be the person who would end up with seven abilities. To randomly gain the ability to vision when she should have been born with it meant this legend had to be true.

But why would it start now?

"What does this mean?"

"Unless my parents lied to me all of my life and kept this ability from me, it means that there is a chance that the legend is coming true. There is a downside to this. I won't be the only one who is gaining these abilities. If I understand the legend correctly, at least seven of us will start gaining the abilities."

"This doesn't sound good." Kaida's energy faded, and she leaned against the doorframe.

"It's not," Adrien deadpanned.

Azulia leaned forward and looked at Adrien. "Are you implying that there will be a battle between these seven people? Is that where you are going with this?"

Adrien nodded. "Yes. Not only that, but I will also be hunted down. My people do not like this legend. They want to keep things how they are. My mother can maintain civility between our people because she does her best to allow leeway within the covens. The only reason she is more powerful and able to rule the rest is that her ability to create spells has seemed limitless. There is no contender against her because of this."

Kaida waved her hands. "Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me your mom can create spells on the spot?"

Adrien looked up and a little off to the right as she contemplated her answer. "That is the best way to describe it. That makes her more powerful, and people don't want to risk their lives to try to gain her position."

" wonder you are so good at potions. I think you got some of her ability," Kaida pointed out.

Adrien nodded. "That could be. I know this is a lot. I had the vision of Kaida breaking the barrier, and we all needed to be here to discuss all of this because I didn’t know how to interpret everything on my own. That is why I called in the calvary."

"Good call," Kaida said and breathed deeply. "I think everyone should return to their kingdom."

They all looked at her with widened eyes and their mouths open.

"Think about it. We were kept here because we thought the barrier wouldn't let us out. The Dark Dimension is open, though I didn't see much of it while in Dragaal. I don't know why, but I still feel it will spread. From the sounds of things, Adrien is a sitting target here. She must return since she has this Supreme legend to deal with while finding the artifact. That is why I broke the barrier in the first place."

Adrien stood up, this time without showing pain or groaning from the vision. "You may be a bigger genius than I thought. You're right. We need to go back if for nothing else, to warn our people about the Dark Dimension. It affects us all in different ways. We are the only ones who know about this right now, so our duty is to warn everyone."

The girls agreed with tears in their eyes. Kaida's chest tightened at what this meant. We have to say our goodbyes.

It was difficult to say goodbye to the first people that made her feel whole. All four of these girls made Kaida feel safe and cared about from the moment she stepped onto that beach and ran into them. They were the reason she could brush herself off and continue going through everything that told her that her life had just gone under. That didn't stop these girls. They all reminded her that just because she was rejected didn't mean the world ended. She could create a new life on that island, and they were there to help her through it.

They all decided to say their goodbyes outside. Azulia was going to use her wings to fly herself back. The Vampyre kingdom was next to hers, so she offered to take Sundrei along with her. Adrien knew of a spell that could relocate someone to their desired destination. She hadn't thought to use it before when they understood that the barrier would keep them here. Now that the truth had been revealed, things changed. Kaida got to witness Adrien putting together a potion to create these pearls. The person needed to crush them and say their destination out loud to activate the magic for teleportation. Sundrei and Azulia didn't like the idea and produced their own using Azulia’s wings and Sundrei hitching a ride. Remy seemed pleased that she got to experience magic for herself since Lycans didn't talk to Witches very often.

Azulia hugged her first. The scent of the elements wafted into her nose. Kaida took a deep breath of it as tears rolled down her cheeks. The warmth of the hug spread through her body, making her squeeze onto Azulia like she didn't want to let go. She felt Azulia's arms tighten around her, making her feel less awkward about becoming emotional about it all. When they let each other go, Azulia brushed off Kaida's tears from her cheeks.

"None of that. This isn't goodbye forever. We will see each other again," Azulia told her with a voice steadier than Kaida had expected.