Page 2 of Dragon Claimed

"Then she needs to return home to find out how it was possible. If there were multiple ways, which way did he do it? Can this affect her ability to close the Dimension? Hell, maybe she can even find out how this damn dimension affects everyone and why."

Arlo put up his finger. "Wait. It wasn't everyone. That's what we discussed inside before you collapsed the barrier."

Kaida lifted an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"

"We realized that not everyone was affected by the dimension. It was the weirdest thing, but only certain people were going berserk."

Kaida stared at them briefly, and no one offered more information. Kaida threw up her hands in frustration.

"Are you just going to keep me in the dark here?!"

The boys exchanged a glance at her. She growled at them until they all held up their hands in surrender.

"It was after you were having that weird spasm, before we all completed the bonds with you, that we realized what component we were all missing before. Mated pairs. Only those without a bond to complete, or sever, were not affected by the dimension."

"So, completing the bonds with you four is why it stopped? We knew that, but it’s because they had to be completed."

Arlo nodded, "Yes. It was the only thing linking everyone who wasn't acting strange. Then, it was trying to take you over before we completed the bonds. Those who weren't mated but had bonds that needed completing or breaking were the ones losing themselves to it."

"But I was already mated to Beckett and Arlo. How would it affect me if I was already mated?"

"You have multiple mates. No one else does. So, you had more bonds to complete," Beckett answered.

Kaida thought about the information for a moment. It still didn't make sense since a bond with Blaze was still incomplete. If the dimension only affected those who were not mated, and since she had multiple, it seemed like they would all need to be completed not to affect her, so how did it stop once she completed the bonds with Enzo and Esen?

"My bond with Blaze isn't completed, though."

Enzo growled for a moment before Kaida heard him stifling it. Even though Enzo had come around to her having multiple mates and having to share, he was still struggling with it. However, it did seem he had less of an issue with Beckett, Arlo, and Esen than he did with Blaze since he was okay with Arlo touching her in front of him.

A warm breeze blew, and Kaida took a deep breath with it. It helped calm her down a little, along with the guys seeming to come around with her decision. If they were able to talk to her calmly about it and at least consider why she did it to be a good thing, then she may be out of the woods on them being pissed at her for a while.

"Blaze's bond isn't that open to you, right?" Arlo asked.

Enzo gave another small growl, but Kaida ignored him. "Yeah, I can't really feel it. I know it's there, but that's about it."

Beckett shrugged, "Maybe that's why. It's not open enough to really register as a bond."

"But it's still an incomplete bond," Arlo deadpanned. "I can't see the dimension. I really care if it is complete or not."

"Could it be because I have more completed bonds than uncompleted ones? Think about it. When it was trying to take control, I had two completed bonds, two completely open bonds, and one that had not opened at all. After we completed them, I had four completed bonds and one uncompleted."

Arlo breathed and shook his head. "I don't know. This is all so difficult to sort through. We know nothing about this damn dimension other than it can cause us to lose control of our dragons. It looks like it can make any shifter lose control since the Lycan was willing to fight Nathan, too."

"I think we just need to wait and see what Adrien can tell us after she gets home and starts searching," Kaida offered, feeling the last bit of her adrenaline leave her body.

She subconsciously plopped onto the soft grass, weaving her fingers through the blades. She noticed Arlo smirking before the grass she was on felt softer, and the grass blades grew instantly between her fingers. She smiled at him, knowing he used his magic to do this. It was a small gesture, but it was sweet.

"Might be the best option," Arlo answered.

"And what the hell do you propose we do about her breaking the barrier?" Enzo asked, bringing back the problem at hand as he stomped back over to them.

Beckett threw his head back and groaned. "Forgot about that. Ugh. Well, it looks like our plans need to be moved up a little. Maybe we should see how many of the dragons on the island can even come with us to start."

"You mean the ones that are mated, right?" Esen petitioned the group.

Kaida frowned, realizing where Esen's mind went. "If that is our only option, we are so screwed. How many mated dragons are even on the island?"

Arlo chortled, "Not enough to face the kingdom's army, but probably enough to at least give a fair fight. It's not like the kingdom has a thousand men willing to be in the army."