Page 14 of Dragon Claimed

Enzo opened his mouth to answer her, but she cut him off. "Please, son. It has been difficult to get everything done in your absence. You swore an oath to your people. I will handle everything for the ceremony. It will be better than it was last time!"

Nande hurried off, chasing a staff member to ask something about the food. Enzo called out for his mom to return, but she either ignored or didn't hear him.

"Enzo, that was weird, right? Like...that isn't how she normally acts, right?"

Enzo shook his head while staring at his mother from afar, "No. That's not how she acts at all. I don't know what is happening right now, but I don't like it."

"So you noticed it, too? Whenever she seemed concerned, she would switch back to smiling."

"My mom doesn't smile that often. That wasn't her."

"Then what do we do?"

Enzo shrugged. "I don't know. I don't even know what is happening. I have never seen her act like that before."

Kaida bit her lip and whispered. "Do you think your dad was controlling her?"

Enzo leaned into her ear so no one could hear as a few staff members walked behind them, "No. I don't see him around. From what I know, he needs to be close to them to be able to control them."

Kaida looked at Nande and tried to catch anything about her movement that would tell her what was happening. It could be a spell. Though Kaida didn't think Gemar would associate himself with Witches. If he thought Elemental Dragons were beneath him, surely he would find other species to be beneath him, too. It was rare for her to see another species in the city, let alone in the castle.

"I think we need to find my father. We need to ask him why he is planning a ceremony after we told him that this was only a visit."

"I’d rather not, but you are right."

Enzo led her to the throne room. Along the way, they bumped into a staff member named Claire. Enzo asked her if she knew where his father was, and she mentioned that he should be in the throne room with the council. It made no sense for them to meet there when it was usually a specific room with more privacy. Enzo didn't question it and guided them to the room. Kaida’s heart rate picked up as the doors opened. This was where she saw Enzo for the first time, and he told everyone inside that she was his mate. Before she could reminisce more, Enzo peered inside and shook his head.

"He isn't here."

"I thought Claire said he was, though."

"I guess he moved elsewhere, or she was mistaken."

A chill went down Kaida's spine. "Enzo, I don't like this. All of this seems off."

Enzo looked around and pulled her tighter against him. "I don't like this either," he said.

Gemar suddenly turned the corner and scared the shit out of them when he yelled their names. They quickly turned and saw him with his arm open the same way Nande's was, and then he embraced them. Enzo wasted no time in grilling his father.

"Why are you planning a bonding ceremony? We told you last night that this was only a visit. We cannot stay."

"That's ridiculous, son. Of course, you are staying. You are to be king and queen! This is your home." Gemar's eyes flashed their weird green before trying to force his way by telling them, "You are not to return to that island when you are to rule here."

The magic of his command washed against Kaida's skin, feeling as if water was rolling off her. When the magic didn't settle, Kaida understood what Gemar tried to do. She remembered how Gemar's eyes flashed green just before he commanded Enzo to reject her. Kaida looked over at Enzo but didn't move; his head was slightly to the side as his eyes scanned his father as if he were looking for a clue as to what could explain his father's behavior. Kaida glared at Gemar, her anger exploding inside her as she realized this was Gemar trying to take control of them.

"Nice try, but your magic doesn't work on me or him anymore now that we are mated."

Gemar smiled at her, but his eyes burned into hers, "I don't know what you mean, my dear. I am just trying to explain that your place is here and not on that island."

"My mates are on that island, so I would say that is incorrect."

"Your mate is standing next to you."

"And my others are on that island."

Gemar continued to smile but looked at his son this time. "Your duty is to your kingdom, Enzo. You are to take your place on that throne. If your," Gemar narrowed his eyes toward Kaida, "mate," he said with venom before looking back at Enzo, "doesn't understand that, then she is not fit to be queen."

Enzo growled, stepping forward and pushing Kaida behind him. "Kaida will be queen when I take the throne, whether you like it or not. The Great Dragon chose her for me; her place is at my side."