Page 13 of Dragon Claimed

"They don't apologize for anything, so I'd say yeah."

Kaida glared at him. "I don't buy it for a second."

Enzo shook his head while rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't expect them to apologize or act like they did last night. I was hoping that part of it was true."

Kaida stepped toward him, anger bubbling inside of her. "Are you going to back out of everything we came here to do because they apologized?"

Enzo blew out some air. "No. That's not what I am saying. I was just hoping that things wouldn't lead to what we thought. If they are happy with our union, maybe they will just give us the throne because it is my right. My father wanted me to be mated before handing it to me so I would be balanced. I'm mated now. So maybe-"

"Maybe he will just hand over the throne? You're delusional."

Enzo leaned his head back and sighed. "I don't think you are seeing this as it is—how it might be, anyway. They were talking to you last night like you were my mate, not like someone they did not want me to be with."

Kaida shook her head. "And I didn't believe it for a second. A complete one-eighty just because we are mated?"

"And that you have your dragon."

Kaida threw her hands up in frustration. "That's what I am talking about. All because I have my dragon, they are suddenly nice to me? That is not how you treat people. Just because I can shift into my dragon form, that’s what determines that I am good enough for you now?"

Enzo stared at her. "I didn't see it that way."

"And now?"

Enzo looked at the door, "Maybe we should see what is happening to ourselves?"


It was just as Kaida expected. As they descended the stairs—after many levels of them anyway—they could hear the conversation of everyone in the castle. Staff members were running around from area to area, carrying clipboards and pens as if they were dealing with checklists. Kaida didn't see any of the council members, but when she caught sight of the queen, she tugged on Enzo and walked over to her.

"Your Grace, we have been looking for you."

Nande was dressed in a royal blue dress with a gold belt. Her hair was tied back in a braid to show off her beautiful face. Her eyes lit up when she looked at Kaida and Enzo, a toothy smile as she opened her arms to them. She hugged them both, squeezing a little tight like Kaida's mother used to do with her.

"Enzo! Kaida! It is wonderful to see you up and about. I ensured no one disturbed your floor this morning so you could sleep in. How are you?"

"We are good, mother. What's going on?" Enzo answered while looking around at everyone.

"Oh! I thought we mentioned it last night. We are throwing you a bonding ceremony!"

Kaida blinked at her. "We are already bonded."

Nande looked confused for just a second, and then a smile came back to her face. If Kaida had blinked, she would have missed it. "We always have a bonding ceremony for a prince or princess! It is tradition before taking the throne."

Enzo looked at Kaida. "This is true. It is part of the tradition."

"We aren't staying here for long. This is just a visit, Your Grace. I need to return to the island."

Nande shook her head. "No, that doesn't make sense. You two are to take the throne, aren't you? Why would you return there?"

It was her voice. There was something off about it. Kaida didn't know the Queen well, but she did know that her voice was not that high when talking. The Queen had a naturally lower registering voice. Not whatever this was.

Enzo pulled Kaida to his side as if he heard it, too. "Mother, Kaida has business to attend to there. We told you this before we went to our rooms for the evening."

Enzo mentioned this to his parents last night, so something like this wouldn't happen. They seemed to understand that she had become an important person there and even mentioned that she should become the ambassador to the island. This would assist them with making the island become a better-resourced area so people there would not feel like they were outcasted anymore.

I should have known that was too good to be true.

Nande had a concerned look on her face. "Well, we should still follow tradition, dear. We must show the people that their prince has found his mate and will take the throne. We promised them you would take the throne and things would switch to you months ago." Nande blinked and waited for them to respond, but then the expression on her face shifted back into a smile, "It is time for you to take over your duties, Enzo. I'm sure you can do them from the castle today. Just send the letters to everyone like you usually do to answer the people's requests."