I can’t believe Antonio proposed. I wasn’t expecting that at all. In fact, the reason I felt like crying while I was packing my things was because I was thinking I’d probably never see him again. I thought I had no choice but to leave him behind even though I’d already decided I wanted to stay.

I glance at my backpack in the corner of the room. It’s still open because I didn’t get to finish packing.

I started last night, right after I got Lara back. I was still shaken. I was afraid that Jim was the one who sent someone to get Lara so that he could hold her hostage. Then I’d have no choice but to go and save her, which would mean giving myself up. I’d have to go back to him.

But then after I calmed down, my mind cleared up. I saw the facts clearly. First, Jim doesn’t know about Lara. How could he? Two, they said the man who tried to take Lara was a professional. Jim doesn’t know anyone like that, and he can’t afford anyone like that. Three, kidnapping isn’t Jim’s style. He pays for little girls. He drugs women so they can’t resist him. But kidnapping? Hostage taking? That’s too much work for Jim. If he knew I was here, he’d send me a message and threaten to kill Antonio and Lara if I didn’t heed it. That’s more of his style.

My conclusion? Jim isn’t behind Lara’s attempted abduction. I don’t know who is, but Lara’s father was supposed to come back for her and he didn’t. What if he’s dead? What if that same person is after Lara now?

I was planning on telling Antonio all that this morning, after I told him the truth about Lara not being my daughter, but Bernie got to him first. After I heard his proposal to kick me out of town, I continued packing. I was going to follow my original plan – leave Lara with Antonio in Summerset and never look back. He’ll protect her as long as he thinks she’s my daughter and she’ll be safe. I was going to leave as soon as I was done packing.

Then Antonio proposed. Now what?

Do I tell him about Lara now? If I do, isn’t there a chance he might change his mind about marrying me? I have to accept his proposal first and then tell him about Lara.

Wait. I’m going to accept Antonio’s proposal?

“So, is humanity doomed?” Sally’s voice barges into my thoughts.

I turn my head and see her standing in the doorway. Once again, she’s caught me mulling over my thoughts.

What did she say?

“You look like you’re contemplating the fate of humanity with that long face,” she says. “Care to share the burden with me?”

She sits on the edge of the bed. I sit up and comb my hair back with my fingers.

“I wasn’t thinking of that.”

“I know. Still, I’m here to listen if you need someone to talk to.”

I look at her. Isn’t that what she said before? She’s helped me even more since then, taking care of Lara, changing the bandages around my foot, giving me clothes. She really is like an older sister. I didn’t confide in her then. Maybe I will now.

I draw a deep breath. “Antonio asked me to marry him.”

Sally’s jaw drops as her eyes grow wide. Then she clasps her hand over her mouth.

“You’re kidding.”

I shake my head. “He said it’s the only way to keep the mayor from kicking me out.”

Sally sighs. “Yeah. I’ve heard about Bernie’s latest project. I’m sorry we have such a lousy mayor. Antonio’s brave for trying to defy him. Then again, he’s the only doctor here, so he has some kind of power.”

“So you think I can stay if I marry Antonio?” I ask her.

“For sure,” Sally answers. “We’re old-fashioned that way. We don’t kick out family.”

Problem solved.

“Are you marrying him?” Sally asks me. “Did you say yes?”


“You said no?”

“I haven’t said anything,” I say.

“I see.” Sally scratches her chin. “So that’s why you looked so… troubled. You were wondering whether you should accept Antonio’s proposal.”

I nod.

“Do you want my advice?” she asks.

I nod again.

“Antonio might seem like he only proposed in order to protect you, but even he wouldn’t go so far as marrying someone he doesn’t trust or care about. He cares about you. I can see that. Given all his other qualifications, I think marrying him isn’t a bad idea.”

I don’t answer. I know Antonio cares about me. He told me so. He wants to marry me. I saw the sincerity in his eyes when he was telling me all those words that nearly made my heart burst. That’s not the problem.

“So what seems to be the problem?” Sally asks me.

I let out a sigh. “I don’t know if I deserve him. He’s a doctor. I didn’t even finish high school.”