“Anything that happens in this town is my business, Antonio. And unfortunately, I think Triss is among the bad things that have happened lately. I’m afraid she’ll be nothing but trouble.”

“Because Otto says so?”

“Because my instinct tells me so.” He pats my arm. “And my instinct is never wrong.”

I glare at his hand. “So what are you saying? You’re going to run her out of town?”

“I’m saying it’s better if she doesn’t stay in Summerset.”

And if she does, what will Bernie do? Have someone spread rumors about her? Threaten her? Kick us both out of town? I thought the people of Summerset had become better over the years, but I guess they’re still the same. Judgmental. Hypocritical. Unable to accept anyone who isn’t like them.

A small town full of small minds. And the mayor happens to have the smallest of all.

I’m tempted to say that out loud, but I know picking a fight with Bernie will do me no good. I draw a deep breath.

“Don’t worry. Triss is leaving soon.”

In spite of everything I said last night, she still hasn’t changed her mind about leaving, so I’m not sure anything will.

Bernie beams triumphantly. “Okay.”

Then he lifts the mug in his hand to his lips. I’ve lost interest in the one in mine, so I empty its contents into the nearest pot. Then I stand up.

“It’s really nice of you to drop by, Bernie, but if you’ll excuse me, I – ”

I stop talking as an explosion rips through the air. Moments later, I see smoke rising above the trees.


I jump inside the truck and drive in the direction of the trees. As I get closer, I smell smoke and hear screams.


The Johnsons’ house is burning. I notice Linda on her knees, her hands clasped over her mouth. Tears trickle down her cheeks as she looks at the house with eyes full of expectation. And fear.

I look around for a sign of her husband, Kevin, but find none. I glance at Linda again, then at the house.

Is he still in there?

I grab the nylon cover from the back of the truck and wrap it around me before rushing inside the house.


I find him at the top of the stairs, a pile of belongings in his arms. I run forward to help but flames burst out as I pass by the kitchen. The table collapses and the vase on top of it falls, shattering to pieces.

Shards of glass.

Blackened wood.



The memory glues my feet to the floor. I grip my hair as my head throbs. My chest tightens.

Everything is burning. Tree branches. Scraps of metal. And my leg. Why can’t I move my leg?

Suddenly, I hear a crash. I turn my head and my eyes grow wide as I watch the middle of the staircase collapse, Kevin with it.


Chapter Nine


I stand outside Antonio’s room. Waiting.

It’s been an hour since he came home after helping out at the Johnsons’. The fire started because of a gas leak, according to Sally’s friend who called her earlier. She also said Kevin Johnson died in it. Poor guy.

Antonio must have known him. Maybe that’s why he went straight to his room without a word and with defeat written all over his face and he hasn’t come out since. He’s probably grieving. Alone.

I can’t stand the thought of it.

I know Antonio is strong. He said I was stronger, but I don’t believe that’s true. I know he’s a grown man, a doctor, a survivor. Even so, there are some things he can’t and shouldn’t do alone.

I can’t just leave him alone.

Finally, my patience runs out. I draw a deep breath and knock on the door.


No answer.

I knock again. When he still doesn’t answer, I start to worry. What if he inhaled too much smoke from the fire and passed out? What if he actually hurt himself?

I grip the knob and turn it. The door separates from the frame. I open it slowly and peek inside. I find Antonio sitting on the floor beside his bed. His head is bowed down. His shoulders hang. He doesn’t move at all.


I close the door behind me and rush to his side. I throw my crutches aside and kneel beside him. When he still doesn’t acknowledge my presence, I grab his arms and shake him.


He finally lifts his head, but the tormented eyes that gaze into mine make me worry all the more.

What happened to him?

“Talk to me, Antonio,” I beg him as I squeeze his arms. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“Triss,” he says my name in a hoarse voice.

A breath of relief leaves me. Thank goodness. For a moment there, I thought he’d lost his memories once more.

“I’m here,” I tell him in a soothing voice. “What happened? Are you hurt?”

I try to check his body for any new injuries but find none.