Page 85 of Wild Child

“Oh shit!” I throw my head back and cackle. “I forgot about that. But you deserved it.” I point at him and laugh more.

“While I don’t know about the tasering, you were an ass, babe,” Chandler adds chuckling.

“I was just trying to see my omega. My scent match,” Dane argues.

“But you went about it the wrong way, and you did mark our omega without her consent. We had a right to be upset and territorial over her.” I raise a brow.

“So did I,” he barks.

“Didn’t say you didn’t. But you weren’t listening to Willow. She doesn’t do well with demands and people not listening to her wants and needs. Tony did that enough. She doesn’t want that life.”

I take a large drink and close my eyes, relishing in the sweet taste of the soda with a hint of the spice from the Captain.

“Dane, I don’t doubt you’re a good guy. But you have to prove that to us. You seemed to have done that for Willow already and that’s amazing. Let me tell you how it looked to us though. Willow went home to see Wesley after his accident. She was alone…she refused to let us come with her. We sent her beta guard to make sure she got there okay, but then she came home. Anyway, Willow goes radio silent for almost a week and then suddenly is texting saying she’s coming home and she’ll tell us everything. We had no idea what was happening. All we knew was we had fallen for this adorable, independent omega and were preparing to tell her and help her through her heat.”

“But she went into heat while she was home and we happened,” Chandler interrupts.

“You did. So she comes to the house when she’s home and is a panicked mess. Telling us she doesn’t think she can be with us and we won’t want her. That she didn’t go through her heat alone, she went through it with her scent matches. Obviously, instantly we think whatever we have with her is over. Then she shows us her bond mark and is crying that she didn’t want it, didn’t want this. I won’t give you the sexy details, but we assured her we did want her and we’d figure it out with her. Then we proved that to her and she marked us, including me and you know omegas don’t usually mark betas.”

I take another drink, wetting my mouth after that long story. “So, you weren’t exactly painted as knights in shining armor to us to start with. Then we’re moving Willow out of the compound into our pack house and you’re at the gate raising hell. Not listening to our girl when she’s telling you she can’t do this right now.”

“We didn’t know all that. I knew, obviously, about Dane biting her during the heat and I also was not pleased, but he did explain how he snapped during the heat. Which is no excuse, but it did clarify that he’s not some rape biter.” Chandler takes a long swallow of his drink.

“I apologized to her on our date and she accepted. It’s why we asked if you guys all wanted to do something. We want to make this work too. It’s just new to us. We waited our whole lives for an omega, wanting our scent match, and then to find out she’s coming with an entire other pack is an adjustment,” Dane says.

“It’s been an adjustment. We should have never listened to Tony,” Chandler mumbles.

“I agree.” I smirk. “But it worked out well for me so thanks for being idiots.”

Dane snorts a laugh and gets up from the table. “What are you drinking, Red, I’ll get us a round.”

“Captain and Dr Pepper. Oh! Get us some Tequila shots.” I clap and bounce in my seat.

“We’re too old for this shit.” Dane shakes his head but walks to the bar.

The rest of the night goes by in a blur. Dane, Chandler, and I drink and get to know each other and sing terrible karaoke with the jukebox.

The next thing I know, the bartender is calling last call and I look at my phone, checking the time. “Holy hell! It’s two in the morning.” Oh god. The guys and Willow are going to be so damn pissed, they were expecting me back hours ago.

“Work is gonna be hell tomorrow,” Dane slurs.

“Class is gonna be a shit show. I’m gonna get my ass spanked,” I giggle. “I can’t drive. Neither can you two dicks.”

“Call a cab.” Chandler wraps an arm around my shoulders and we head to settle our tab.

“We got it.” Dane slaps his card on the bar top and the bartender shakes her head as she totals us out.

When we get outside, a cab is waiting and we all get inside. Chandler and I are in the back and Dane sits in the passenger seat.

“Calling Wood, please, good sir,” I tell the driver and he mutters something about ‘fucking drunks’ before he pulls out of the parking lot and heads to campus.

I send a text to the group chat that I’m alright and I’m on my way home, ignoring the ton of messages they’ve already sent. At least I think I told them I’m on my way home, I have no idea, my vision is blurry and I can’t see shit on this screen.

We pull up to the gates of the school and get out of the cab, because the cab driver refuses to go inside the gates, something about not wanting to show ID.

Chandler tosses the driver forty bucks. “Thanks for driving us in,” Chandler mutters. “Try not to be an asshole to the next people you pick up.”

“Now how do we get to our houses? We can’t drive one of the carts, we could get caught and be banned from driving,” Dane asks, leaning against the gate.