Page 5 of Wild Child

Three years later

“Are you sure you want to go to Calling Wood?” my dad asks as he stares at my fully packed mint green Volkswagen Beetle. “It’s a three-hour drive. It’s so far.”

I put my hands on his arms, giving them a little squeeze, pulling his worried expression from the car to me. “Daddy, I want to go. I need to go.” I love my dad, all my dads, I really do, but Tony has been nothing but smothering since I’ve presented as an omega. He became so set on the fact that there were alphas out there who would use and abuse me, so he kept me on a short leash.

I lost a lot of friends because of it, and life became really lonely. I wasn’t allowed around any alphas, like at all. All of his friends stopped coming around. It’s sad really, because they were like family.

I know it was never his intention, but he made me feel like I was taking away so much from him because of something I have no control over, what I am.

He’s overprotective, and as much as I love him, if I don’t get out of here and take my life back, I’m going to end up hating him.

“Tony, love, she’s going to be just fine. Calling Wood is designed to keep omegas like her safe.” My mom steps up beside me.

“I gotta get going. I’ll be home to visit when I can on the weekends. I love you all so much!” Quickly, I give them all hugs and kisses goodbye, making sure not to linger in their grasp before jumping into the front seat and speeding away from the house that has become my prison.

As soon as I hit the highway, a massive weight lifts from my shoulders, letting me breathe for the first time in years.

I’m free. No more controlling dad, no more being confined to my house.

For a long time, I didn’t think Calling Wood would become a reality. It was the plan from the moment I presented, but as time went by, my dad’s control of my life got tighter and tighter. I thought for sure he would change his mind.

But I made sure to voice my excitement for this school, that this was my dream. At first, it was just something I said to try and convince him, but after a year of not being able to go anywhere or do anything, it became my reality. I needed Calling Wood so much, to the point I was considering running away.

Calling Wood is my escape. I have plans, and I’m not letting anyone get in the way.

Getting a degree is important, for sure, but I need money of my own. I don’t want to be reliant on my parents or give them something to hold over my head.

I want to be independent and get my own job. The only thing is, I’ve tried to apply online to a few places at Calling Wood with no luck. I’m sure they’re not used to omegas looking for part-time jobs while attending, but I’m not giving up. I will find a way to make money. Hell, maybe I’ll sell my panties online. Alphas pay big bucks for them. Easy money.

I’m not ashamed. It’s my body, my choice.

A smile splits across my face when Champagne & Sunshine by Plvtinum & Tarro begins playing on the radio. Turning the music all the way up, I start singing along. I roll the window down and breathe in the ocean air.

New life, here I come!

I’m not too far from my destination when I feel the car jolt. “What the hell?” I murmur, looking at the rearview mirror. My eyes widen. “Is that… my tire?” Quickly, I pull over onto the side of the road.

As soon as my car is in park, I hop out to see what happened. “Are you fucking kidding me?” My eyes bug out when I see half of my tire missing. “No,” I whine. “Not now. Stupid tire, you couldn’t wait like thirty more minutes.”

What a way to rain on my happy day. I look up and down the road for someone I can flag down, but I don’t get my hopes up because this road has been dead for a while now.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I grab my phone to start searching for tow companies near me. I hate that I need to call for help. You would think that a family full of men would have taught me how to change a tire. But no, my parents were so convinced that I wouldn’t need to know any of that kind of stuff because I’d have my own pack of alphas to take care of it.

Yeah, well, where’s an alpha now when you need one?

“Fuck sakes!” I curse when the browser won't load. No service.

“Lovely. This is totally going to turn into the plot of a horror movie. Omega standing on the side of the road, with no one to help her when the killer alpha pulls over and snatches her up, never to be seen again.” Even though there is no one around to hear me, I still say everything out loud. It’s something I’ve done since I was a little kid, and I do that more often when I’m stressed. It got worse and worse after I presented, and lately, it seems like I do it all the time. I should be more mindful of it or people are going to think I’m crazy.

It wouldn’t be the first time someone thought that of me. I’m a bit of an oddball, a free spirit who’s been forced into a cage for far too long.

Tears start to burn the back of my eyes, and I toss my phone through my open window. It bounces off the seat and onto the floor. I’ll worry about it later.

Scrubbing my face with the heels of my palms, I take a few deep breaths to keep myself from getting too worked up.

My emotions have been all over the place for the past few weeks, and have gotten more unstable since my birthday a few days ago.

I know my first heat is coming soon, and I’ve already signed up to meet with the available packs at Calling Wood. I’m not looking for a permanent pack right now, just some people I can trust to help me get through my heat.