Page 128 of Wild Child

At least not one that required an education and a degree.

Nope. I stuck with camming. Now, I’m one of the top three content creators for SensualMe. I make amazing money and I get to have fun and explore with my lovers. With a pack as big and diverse as mine, we are never hurting for content.

All my alphas and Aubrey still do videos with me all the time. Even when I was pregnant with Nixon, I didn’t stop. Do you know how much people love pregnancy porn? God, the shit they asked me to do were things I’d never think of on my own. But, my alphas were willing to try it, even discovering kinks of their own.

My fans have been pushing for Nash and Ledger to hook up with Dane and Chandler, but that will never happen. Not even just for the fans.

And they’ve been wanting to see Aubrey with the older alphas too. Again, never going to happen. Not that I’d be against any of that. If that's what they wanted to do, then I’d be happy for them. It’s just not how our relationship is.

We’re all one pack now, but Aubrey is with me, Nash, and Ledger, and I’m with Dane and Chandler. It works, we’re happy and that's all that matters.

My parents aren't exactly happy about my career choice, but they love and support me anyway.

Nixon wasn’t planned but we are all thrilled nonetheless. I didn’t think I could love anyone as much as I love my little boy.

I kept going to school, but home life became more for me. I love being a stay-at-home mom and camming in our downtime

“Mama!” Nixon shouts when he sees me enter the living room.

“Hey, my baby.” I try to smile through my grimace. Nixon holds up his arms, wanting me to pick him up.

“Willow, baby are you okay?” Chandler asks, scooping Nixon up.

“No.” I shake my head, feeling another contraction coming on. “It hurts. Bad.”

“Oh fuck.” Dane comes skidding into the room. “Is it baby time?”

I grimace, bending over to put my hands on my thighs and breathe through the pain, nodding.

“Fuck! Okay, Chandler, you get her into the car, I’ll grab the bag.” He takes off running.

“He’s going to be a mess isn’t he?” I ask Chandler.

“Afraid so, my love.”

The pain passes and I straighten up. “We need to call Nash.” He and Ledger went with Aubrey to work. Aubrey had a shoot and none of us like me or Aubrey being alone, so they went with her.

“On it.” Chandler gets his phone and calls. “They’re on their way.”

“We need someone to watch Nixon. Try Beth, he loves her.”

Beth stayed good friends with us. She met her omega, Molly, not long after she stopped working for me. Molly ended up being scent matched to Sabrina, an alpha teacher here at Calling Wood. They formed their own little pack.

“On it,” he repeats.

“Mama sick?” Nixon asks when Chandler puts him down.

“No baby. Mama is going to have your new baby brother or sister.”

“Bebe?” his little eyes light up.


“Yay! Bebe!”

“Okay, I got the bag.” Dane comes in a panicked mess. “Let’s go.”

“Hold up,” Chandler says. “We gotta wait until Beth gets here to watch little man.”