Page 84 of Wild Child

Getting up, I cross over to my camera and click the playback. It’s cheesy but it’s what works for this company. I feel bad promoting Beta Blast only because I don’t drink it every morning and I don’t like to lie to my followers, but the money they’re paying me eases the guilt.

Twenty grand isn’t something I can say no to and they’ll pay me that every month for a year if I make one video promoting their drink. It’s not terrible but it’s not something I’d want to drink every single day.

Now I need to take some stills for my Chattergram, flaunt a few outfits I was sent, and call it a night. I’m tired and ready to see my pack. I’ve been shooting for two hours after a full day of classes and I still have at least another hour or two left.

I fly through my outfit changes and take the pictures I need and now it’s time to pack up and head home. The editing process and scheduling can happen later this week at home. I’m ready to get out of here.

Throwing all my shit in the car, I head back to Calling Wood ready to cuddle with my alphas and omega and go to bed. But first, after the day I’ve had, I need a quick drink.

It’s unlike me to go to the bar alone but what the hell; why not? I doubt the place will be busy since it’s a Thursday night and I could use a rum and Dr Pepper.

Pulling into the parking lot, I put the ignition in park and get out, strolling into the bar like I own the place. Confidence is key when you're a woman and alone. It’s the best way to let everyone know you’re not one to be messed with. I may be a beta but I don’t want strange men talking to me; I will be a bitch. It’s not a flawless plan, but it’s worked any other time I’ve been out alone.

“Hey. Can I get a Captain and Dr Pepper?” I ask the bartender when I step up to the bar.

“Three fifty,” she calls, grabbing a glass and filling it with ice.

I drop a five on the bar and wait for my drink, tapping my foot to the beat of the music.

“Here ya go.” She sets my drink on the bar and grabs the bill I left.

“Keep it.” I turn around, leaning against the bar and taking the place in.

Oh hell no. What a small world.

A joker-like smile takes over my face when I spot them and I head toward a table against the wall over by the jukebox.

Without asking, I take the empty stool and set my drink on the table. “Fancy seeing you two here.”

“Aubrey.” Chandler’s eyes widen in my direction.

“Shouldn’t you be home with your alphas and our omega?” Dane grumbles.

Taking a drink, I roll my eyes. “If you must know. I was doing a shoot and was headed home but decided to stop for a drink. Then I see you and well, it must have been meant to be.”

“We also decided to grab a drink after we had dinner in the office.”

“See! The universe’s way of telling us to get to know each other better. And maybe for you to stop acting like a caveman.” I look at Dane with a pointed stare.

“I’m trying,” he growls.

“Try harder. Willow deserves it.” I narrow my eyes.

“Get along, you two,” Chandler chuckles.

“She’s mouthy,” Dane murmurs.

“I am and probably always will be, and since we’re gonna all be a pack, I’d get used to it.”

Chandler’s head snaps in my direction. “Does she want that? Willow, I mean. Has she said she wants us all to be a pack?”

I probably shouldn’t tell them our omega’s business but I think letting them in just a bit might help bridge the gap between our two packs. We need to figure it out since we’re going to be one big pack and I’m not going to let all these alphas stress out Willow.

“She’ll have my ass for telling you, I’m sure, but she has stressed that she wants us all to get along so she can be with everyone. Nash and Ledger are willing to try, but they’re not going to let you come in and boss everyone around just because you’re older.”

“That’s understandable.” Chandler nods, agreeing with what I just said. “I think it will be a learning curve just because with us being older, we’ve done a lot of things already, you know? We’ve made mistakes and learned from them, but we’ll try to not be overbearing and bossy.”

“They didn’t seem very willing at the omega compound that day,” Dane murmurs. “Neither did you. You tasered my balls.”