I shake my head slowly. “It’s fine.”

He has an alibi and no motive. Definitely not guilty. There isn’t even a case. I just wasted my time.

I hope Leo had better luck yesterday. I haven’t spoken to him since he flew off to Chicago.

I let out a sigh. Well, at least I got to meet someone who was with my father during his final months.

“You can keep that,” Victor tells me, pointing to the notebook I’m still clutching. “If anyone should have it, it’s you.”

I stare at it. I realize I do want to keep it, especially now that I don’t have much to remember my father by. Even so…

“That wouldn’t be right.” I shake my head and offer it to him. “My father gave this to you.”

“I’m sure he won’t mind.” He pushes the notebook back towards me. “In fact, I’m pretty sure he was planning on giving it to you. He was always talking about how proud he was of what a good lawyer you’ve become. He probably only gave it to me to shut me up because I was asking him a lot of questions. One day, he just shoved it at me and told me it had all the answers, which it did. It contains all your father’s wisdom.”

This little old thing?

I flip through the pages of the notebook. At the sight of my father’s handwriting, a lump forms in my throat. I can almost imagine him hunched over his desk writing in it, or glancing at it inside a courtroom.


“He talked about you so much I feel like I already know you,” Victor tells me. “That’s why I was looking forward to meeting you. And now that I have, I can say you’re even more fascinating in person.”

I lift my head and see him smiling from ear to ear, eyes all lit up. His cheeks look slightly rosy, too.

Is he… flirting with me? Wait. Is that why he asked me to meet him at a fancy restaurant? Is this a date?

He places his hand over mine. “I know how hard it is to lose a father. And Bart was like a father to me, too, so if there’s anything you need, I want you to know that you can count on me.”

I try to pull my hand away but he grips it firmly. His gaze pins me down.

“I’m here, Jodie. I can be your friend, too. Or whatever you need.”

He strokes my hand. I draw a deep breath.


“Jodie.” Leo suddenly bursts through the curtain with a grin. “I thought I heard your voice.”

Victor lets go of my hand at once, but not before Leo notices. He throws him a frown.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but I need to discuss something with my girlfriend, so if you’ll excuse us…?”

He takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. I send Victor an apologetic glance and a nod before letting Leo drag me outside.

I hold my tongue until we get to his car. Once inside, I let it loose.

“What was that?”

“Me saving you from a sexual predator. You do know he was once caught with an intern in the women’s room of the courthouse, right?”

My eyebrows arch. He was?

I clear my throat. “I didn’t need you to pull that boyfriend act and save me. I know self-defense and I can scream pretty loud.”

“Which is exactly what he wants, I bet.”

I turn to him with a frown. “I can take care of myself, Leo, is what I’m trying to say. You’re not my bodyguard.”

“You’re right. I’m not that heroic or selfless.” He meets my gaze. “You want the truth? I didn’t butt in there to save you. I did it because I couldn’t stand the thought of you being alone with another man.”

My eyes grow wide. Leo is jealous? But then that would mean…

“Yes, Jodie. I haven’t been able to stop thinking of holding your body against mine since that evening in your father’s library.”

The words spoken with such raw honesty coupled with the heat in Leo’s blue eyes make my breath catch. I look away.

“I know you think that was a mistake,” he goes on. “But there’s nothing wrong with wanting something and going for it or asking for it. We’re not children anymore. We’re adults, responsible, sensible adults… with needs.”

Leo draws a deep breath.

“I’m not going to do anything without your consent. That goes without saying. But if ever you want to have sex, you don’t have to go after that doctor or that lawyer. I’m right here. Heck, we live together. And we were good together. You know that.”

I blush. I don’t remember everything but yes, what I remember was all good.

“I’m not saying I’ll replace Antonio. That’s not what I want. I’m not saying I should be your boyfriend for real, either. We can just be two friends who are there for each other in every way.”