Page 52 of The Secret Omega

There’s my second lie of the day.

“The majority of you have never been privy to the inner workings of the Order, but this is no cause for alarm. We fully expect for the lights and water to be restored soon and for Goldenrod to continue much as it always has.”

Third lie.

“In the meantime, Goldenrod’s various shops and stores will be operating on a ration system to preserve food and water. This is a cautionary measure only.”

I point down Dogwood Street, where gray-clad betas are taking seats behind long tables stacked with booklets of paper.

“If you see the betas sitting at the tables on the streets, they have a coupon book for each alpha and omega. These coupons will ensure that your family has the food and water you require.” I pause and swallow my discomfort. “Betas will be reliant upon their alpha’s sufferance for their share of the coupons.”

That was Marcus’s idea.

“Again, this is only a cautionary measure. We fully expect to receive the delivery on time this November and for your family to continue receiving the goods and services it needs to thrive.”

My fourth—and hopefully final—lie of the day.

“Thank you for coming today. And thank you to the alpha council and Alpha Catmint for their steady presence and assistance in this time of great sacrifice, but even greater possible reward as we reconnect to the Order and what it means for our people.”

That’s all I have to say. Luckily, no one asks any questions or raises their hand in the air … or their fist.

No, they’re holding their hands to their hearts in relief.

Finally, someone told us what to do.

At least he knows what he’s doing.

We’re going to be okay.

At the wave of my hand, there’s a gentle hum of voices as the crowd begins to disperse and move toward the tables—some more rushed than others.

That’s when I see her.

Narrow shoulders and a slim back, hair hanging down the middle in a thick, braided coil of gold.

I don’t notice all the people moving around her quickly, and my heart stops beating. She looks surprisingly healthy. She must be getting enough food and sleep at Cypress House.

That’s good, at least.

I open my mouth to call out to her. I don’t know what I’m going to say. Something stupid, probably … or mean.

But then, a dark-haired alpha approaches, laying a hand on her shoulder. Is that one of Rill’s alphas? Alarm jolts through me until she turns toward him, revealing her face. That’s when I see it’s not Hetty, after all.

It’s Joanna Catmint. Of course, she’s not Hetty. She’s wearing a filmy floral dress—not a gray uniform.

My heart sinks and my face hardens. It’s fine. Better that I don’t see her anyway. It’s for her own good. Mine, too.

I’ve barely noticed she’s been gone anyway.

I guess I have a fifth lie in me today, after all.


The Reason


By the time I get home, I’m exhausted.