Page 127 of The Secret Omega

“It is. People can change.” Her eyes brighten with a thought. “And if alphas can change, so can betas. Just look at me and my mother. I’m sure when betas were created, they weren’t meant to mate with alphas, but we changed that. We evolved.”

I can’t help but cringe at the reminder and jump at the chance to change the subject. “I still can’t believe Marcus Catmint is your father.”

“Me neither,” she admits, resting her head on my chest. “I don’t know him at all, but that story Isolde told was wild. What has he been like with you? I asked you before, but I don’t think you really said much.”

“He’s…” I trailed off, not wanting to talk about Marcus when we’re lying naked in the moonlight. “He’s fine, I guess. A bit self-righteous. Really into the Order.”


“Yeah, he’s … a stickler, which is crazy when you consider that he mated with a beta. There’s nothing more against the Order than that.”

She stiffens, and I immediately regret bringing it up. “I hate to think he was so dedicated to the Order because he was ashamed of himself,” she says quietly, “or because he was ashamed of her.”

I shrug. “The way he talked about her… It sounded like he really loved her.”

“I admit I’m curious about him.” She pauses, and I feel her grimace against my chest. “Despite the fact that he was willing to sacrifice me for the Order, at least he stopped when he found out I was his daughter.”

I hum, not wanting to be reminded of that. The seconds pass as we listen to the soft night song, enjoying the silence of each other’s company. I’m halfway asleep when I hear her groan against my chest.

I jump. “What is it?”

She releases a deep breath. “We have to go back soon, Noah."

I relax and scoff. “Do we?”

“Mmm-hmm. I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m afraid we do.”

“I disagree,” I grumble, pulling her soft, naked body atop mine and letting my fingers dance over the gentle curve of her hip. “I’m more than happy to spend the rest of our lives under this tree.”

“That could get uncomfortable in the wintertime.” I feel her smile before she goes still. “Besides, they’re our people. Our tribe. We need to be with them. I don’t think what happened in Goldenrod was the last time we’ll see the men.”

I run my hand down her spine, enjoying the slight shiver that runs through her body. “You want to go right now?”

She lifts her head, her lips pressing lightly against mine. “No,” she whispers against my lips. “Maybe let’s go tomorrow. One more night under the tree.”

“Well, then I better make the most of it,” I growl, twirling her so she’s on her back and I’m on top of her.

Then, I proceed to do just that.


Everything I Want from Life


It was with more than a little trepidation that Noah and I left our hideaway this morning.

Although it would be much simpler if we were on our own—definitely less drama—it would feel wrong. Because no matter how much Noah dislikes Rill or how uncomfortable I’d feel around my newfound family, they’re our people.

Whether we like it or not, we share a connection. An origin. A way of life. Not to mention, a much bigger enemy on the horizon.

As if the world expected us to make this choice, as soon as we woke up, fall dropped from above like a ton of bricks. The morning air felt crisp when we donned our dirty clothes. Early fall leaves decorated the trees, and the sharp—but pleasant—scent of decay moved through with the breeze.

Something about the change in the weather made me feel excited for what was to come. I forgot my worries for a bit as Noah and I talked, laughed, and lollygagged our way to camp.

But now, holding hands as we stare at scattered cabins surrounding the familiar log-lined clearing, it all comes crashing back.

I scrunch my nose as I inhale the scents of the lake and burnt remains of logs in the center of the clearing. It’s not bringing me as much joy as it did when Elizabeth first brought me here. No, it’s making me feel decidedly unsettled.