Page 111 of The Secret Omega

“Your son? The Administrator?” Marcus barks an ironic laugh, turning to face the crowd. It’s grown even larger at this point, surely containing everyone who lives in Goldenrod by now. “Tell me, where is he right now, Isolde?” he bellows, glancing over his shoulder. “Your son, the Administrator.”

Her eyes glitter as she meets his gaze. That’s when I realize she’s enjoying this … they both are. Whatever this is to everyone else here, it’s just a game to them.

A wave of sick disappointment washes over me, followed by a surge of anger. We’re on the verge of getting killed, and they just want to play a game? Well, I’m not playing.

So, when Isolde opens her mouth to reply—probably with something performative and stupid— words come tumbling out of my mouth, fast and loud.

“He’s here!” I yell, my eyes glued to all the faces spread in front of me. I attempt to stand but immediately fall. “Goldenrod will be under attack at dawn, and Noah is here to save us. The men have guns and weapons, and they want to kill us all and—ahhh!”

I’m cut off as strong fingers dig into the back of my neck, causing me to cry out in pain. Both my back and my neck arch against my will. I whimper loudly, my body tense and overwhelmed with pain.

“Shut your mouth.” Cass’s mouth, wet and angry, is against my ear. “Or I’ll kill you before he can.”

“Get your hands off her,” Isolde spits angrily, finally showing a bit of real emotion as she twists her body, trying to slap Cass away. “You’ll hurt her! You animal!”

He doesn’t let go, digging his fingers deeper as his long nails cut into my skin. The crowd’s murmuring grows louder and more concerned. But Cass only seems to be encouraged by their attention, guffawing loudly in my ear.

I whimper and moan lightly as he straightens my head so I’m staring forward as I attempt to ignore the overwhelming wrongness of his touch.

All I see is the alpha—Marcus—standing in front of us, his back to the crowd and smiling big with his hands clasped in front of him. He strides forward, kneeling until he’s at eye level with us.

“Call off your dog, Marcus,” Isolde says firmly. “Can’t you see he’s hurting her?”

“Maybe she should be better behaved,” Marcus says smoothly, his eyes darting to me. “I think he has it out for her.” His eyes are fervid, and his smile slimy. “I don’t blame him for it. She’s a cute little thing.”

Cass twists my neck painfully. Tears burgeon, escaping down my cheeks. I try to relax, knowing that the pain is probably worse because I’m so tense, but it feels impossible.

Through my tears, I see Isolde tilt her head at him, her eyes sad. “Why are you doing this, Marcus? Is this really who you’ve become? What would she think of you bullying innocent betas?”

Something about the last question causes his mood to shift. “Let go of her,” he clips out, nudging Cass on the shoulder. “Now!”

Cass releases me with a curse. I fall forward, sucking in deep breaths as fat tears drop from my eyes and land on the cement steps. Through the sound of the crowd and my gasping breath, I hear Marcus’s voice.

“Why am I doing this, Solly?” he growls. “Payback. Retribution. That’s why. Of course, this is who I’ve become! What did you expect?”

“Well, take it out on me,” she bites out angrily, pulling her head back. “Not them. Let my daughter and this innocent beta go. They have nothing to do with our past.”

He considers me, his eyes glittering.

“No, I don’t think so,” he says distantly as he reaches out to touch a strand of my wet hair. “I have the chance to kill two people you care about.” He pauses, his eyes flicking between me and Stella. “How could I possibly resist that?”


True Followers


My feet pound the wet cobblestones as I jog down Spruce Street. The only thing interrupting the hard thump of my footsteps is a single, repetitive thought.

Get to Hetty.

I attempt to keep my mind balanced and my movements calm, but it’s not easy. Briefly, I think about tearing Cass’s throat out, and a surge of vicious impatience rushes through my veins. But I temper it quickly, keeping my eyes on the prize.

Get to Hetty.

She’s at Sage House with Stella. That much, at least, was clear from the vision. Unfortunately, I’m coming from the gate—the furthest possible place in Goldenrod from Sage House. So, I’m not getting there nearly as fast as I’d like. But I know a shortcut. A secret path that leads up Sage Hill from Spruce Street.

Get to Hetty.