Page 100 of The Secret Omega

But I can’t do nothing. I can’t let all the betas in Goldenrod die because no one thinks they’re worth saving.

I guess I could go by myself, but that feels like a fool’s errand. The previous two times that I traveled to Goldenrod and back, I was with Rill and Elizabeth. There’s no way I could make it without them. Not to mention, I know this camp’s perimeter is being guarded down to the inch. Every time I’ve ventured too far, I was stopped by some surly alpha.

I’m sniffling pathetically about it when Stella’s voice rings out behind me.

“Noah’s such an asshole. Definitely the most obnoxious of my brothers.”

I glance back to see her closing the cabin’s front door behind her. I didn’t realize she was still in there with Cami.

Before Noah showed up, we were actually having a nice time with Cami and her pleasantly plump baby. Despite the impending doom, it took my mind off things for a bit, and Stella and I had started getting along again, holding him and cooing.

But now, I feel on guard again. She’s going to yell at me. Insult me. Weakly, I feel the need to defend Noah. But in the end, I can’t.

“He is an asshole,” I grumble, frowning at the ground. “I was just thinking that.”

Stella bursts out a laugh, falling next to me on the top step. “Henrietta Nigrum, I’ve never heard such language from you.”

I smile despite myself. “You’re finally starting to rub off on me, I guess.”

We sit in comfortable silence, the twilight fading around us and the sounds of the camp floating through the air.

I want to ask her how she’s feeling about Jason, and what’s become of him. But I don’t. I feel too on edge by the potent energy in the air, the stiff, humid breeze, and the staticky feeling. It makes the hair on my arms stand on end, and a cold sweat spreads over my neck.

“I’ve been an asshole, too,” Stella finally whispers, breaking the silence. “I’m sorry about that.”

I turn and stare at her in surprise. Stella’s not one to apologize, usually preferring to pretend like she’s never the one at fault in arguments.

So, to get an actual I’m sorry out of her? It’s a rare thing. I smile and rest my head on her shoulder.

“Forgiven,” I whisper.

She wraps an arm around my shoulders, resting her head atop mine.

“I shouldn’t have reacted like I did to you and Noah,” she continues. “It’s just… whenever I think about alphas and betas mating, I’m reminded…”

I lift my head, glancing at her curiously. “You think of your father.”

She jumps. “You knew about him? Did he ever…?

“No,” I say quickly. “I never even knew he did things like that, but I’ve recently heard rumors.”

“What about the others? Cleo and Beth? I’ve always wondered.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so. They would have told me, and they’re too innocent to make me think anything like that ever happened to them.”

Stella sighs and leans back on her hands. “Well, that’s a relief…” She huffs out a breath, considering me. “I guess you’re not really a beta, though,” she says slowly. “But an omega?”

“I think I’m both,” I say firmly. “Someone in between.”

“And Noah’s your mate?”

“Yes.” I reach up and touch the mark, burning at the thought of him. He’s running now. Determined. Anxious. “It’s so strange to feel so connected with him. Even when I’m angry at him, it’s like…” I shake my head, unable to find the words.

“Tell me about it. I still haven’t gotten used to that yet.” Her breath falters, and she stares solemnly. “I heard your fight. I was spying on you guys.”

“I figured,” I sigh, unbothered.

“Why do you want to save the betas so badly? Because you still feel connected with them?”