Page 78 of The Secret Omega

“Why do I think what is?” I growl, not in the mood to talk. I want to kill him, I think, as aggravation bubbles inside me. Once I get my strength back, I’ll snap his neck.

“Why do you think it is that I hate you so much?” he presses, oblivious to my dark thoughts. “And why do you hate me?”

“Everyone hates you,” I rumble insolently. “Wyatt, Marcus … basically every alpha in Goldenrod. Why don’t you ask one of them?”

“Yeah, but they don’t hate me like you do,” he replies, frowning at the candle flicking on the table next to me. “And none of them hate you even though you suck. Even your brother, sister, and Liz … they’re always sticking up for you for some goddamn reason. I would have figured out a way to take you down a long time ago if it wasn’t for them.”

I shake my head at his arrogance. “Maybe it’s because you’re…” A savage, arrogant asshole. I bite my tongue before the words can escape. If I want to see Hetty, I need to be smarter. “Maybe we’re just too different,” I say instead. “Different worlds and all that.”

“Maybe,” he grunts noncommittedly. Shifting his gaze from the candle, he considers me shrewdly. “Did you mean what you said? That Goldenrod and the Order don’t matter?”

“Yes,” I reply, reluctant to admit this to him of all people. “I’ve thought about it for a while, and leaving Goldenrod, it’s obvious that…” I pause, swallowing my pride. “You were right.”

“Imagine that,” he mutters, his eyes glittering with triumph. “What’s going on with the beta?”

I blow out a sharp exhale. “She’s my mate.”

“She called to you?”

“Yeah.” I pull at the chains again—halfheartedly, so as not to piss him off. “She called to me right in front of this house.” Flames flicker on my skin, my heartbeat quickening. “She’s my mate,” I repeat sharply. “Mine.”

“Shit. A beta calling to an alpha?” He breathes out a laugh. “I never heard of anything like that.”

“Me neither.” I shrug, clenching my fists. How much longer am I going to have to do this with him?

He raises his brows. “You like her?”


“You want her?”

“Yes,” I hiss, pulling at my chains with a surge of strength.

“All right then,” he laughs and claps his hands once like I just solved all our problems. “If you want her, brother, then you shall have her.”

He taps my curled fist, and reluctantly, I unclench to feel him press something against my palm. A small key, I realize.

“I think you’re going to break this bed in half within the hour,” he says, shaking the rickety headboard back and forth. “But that,” he points to my hand wrapped around the key, “will help with the chains.”

My heart starts beating faster, my thoughts going a mile a minute. He’s letting me go? I won’t have to kill him? “What about them?” I ask, tilting my head toward the door that Stella and Elizabeth disappeared through.

He smirks. “I’m goin’ to leave, and slowly explain that you and I came to a … mutual understanding.” He pauses, a meaningful expression on his face. “Then I’m taking Liz to bed. When I wake up, I’ll discover I lost the key to the chains. Liz will be pissed at me, you know.”

“Sorry to hear that,” I say, making a tight fist around the key.

“Ah, don’t worry about it… She always forgives me.” He barks out a loud laugh. “She can’t resist my pretty face.”

“What about Hetty?” I press. “Where can I find her?”

“Why would I tell you that?” he asks with a sly, sideways glance. “If she’s your mate, you’ll have no problem finding her.”

He walks to the door but pauses before leaving, his hand resting on the knob as he turns to glance back at me.

“Just don’t be stupid, Administrator.” His smile is gone, his eyes hard. “And don’t go too far from camp.” He pauses, considering me. “In fact, find me in the morning. There’s something I want to show you.”


Fire in Your Eyes