Page 7 of The Secret Omega

But she’s not sneering now.

“You just look tired,” she mumbles defensively.

“Well, I can’t go to bed. It’s only four o’clock in the afternoon.” Although the thought of sinking into my cool sheets does sound tempting. “There’s so much left to do today. And what if Alpha Sage needs something?”

She turns then, narrowing her eyes. “Beth or Cleo can wait on him.”

I itch a tingling spot on my neck. “He likes me to help him.”

At least that’s what he said last week … or something like that.

You’re the only one who understands the pressure I’m under, Hetty. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

He looked so raw when he said that, his beautiful green eyes, red-rimmed and droopy, and his close-cropped honey-colored hair ruffled and messy. He always keeps it cut so short, but it doesn’t stop him from constantly pulling on it. He worries too much.

But my ghost immediately rejoiced at his words, fluttering deep inside me.

I’d felt different versions of that fluttering with him before, but nothing so warm and pleasant. It was like a part of me woke up. My ghost told me to do things then—touch him or… But obviously, I ignored it, pushing it down deep and smiling at him faintly.

Just like I always do.

I block out the memory as the same feeling threatens to bubble inside me again. Staring at my grandmother’s back, I smile and say with forced lightness, “Anyway, Min asked me to go to her meeting tonight.”

She glances at me, her eyes suspicious. She never goes into town, so she’s never met Min. She doesn’t like what I’ve told her, though, and said in no uncertain terms that she thinks the meetings are weird.

No beta should talk that much, she once said when I told her about Min’s constant invitations. What could she possibly have to say that you need to hear?

“No,” she snips now. “You’re not going. You’re unwell.”

I open my mouth to assure her I’m fine when a high-pitched voice sings out from the doorway.

“Alpha Sage needs you, Hetty.” We both jump and look up to see Cleo frowning and wringing her gray skirt. “He wants his coffee, and he said you’re the only one who knows how to serve it correctly. What does that even mean? Isn’t there only one way to drink coffee?”

“Oh, he’s home early!” I jump from my chair, smoothing my hair. “Yes, of course. I’ll brew some for him now.”

“Be careful. He’s with that ugly alpha,” Cleo continues as she saunters into the kitchen. “The one who’s mated with Elizabeth Cypress? How could someone so pretty be unlucky enough to have him for a mate?”

I barely register her words as I move toward the bag of coffee beans. The thought of seeing him sends a warm flush to my cheeks, my heart pounding in anticipation. Before I can get started on the coffee, though, my grandmother grabs me firmly by the elbow, stopping me.

“Let Cleo build the tray,” she orders sternly, inhaling the air around me deeply. “Go change into a fresh uniform before you see Alpha Sage … and drink this.”

I wince as she thrusts the mug of dianthus tea toward me. The yellow-green water steams my face with its flowery, herby scent.


I want to argue with her and refuse the tea, but I know better. I’ve never won an argument with Tansy Nigrum, and I’ve drunk every mug of tea she’s ever brewed for me.

And if I want to deliver this coffee, then I’ll drink this one, too.

“Yes, Gran.” Taking the mug from her loose grip, I hold it close to my chest as I open the door to the basement stairs, toward the betas’ quarters.

As I carefully make my way down the narrow staircase, my ghost moves in fluttering anticipation, but this time, I don’t try to stifle it.

He needs me.

The Administrator.

Alpha Sage.