Page 65 of The Secret Omega

For all I know, he’s got her somewhere. Maybe she’s hurt or tired, and I can’t get to her. The more the elaborate thoughts weave through my brain, the more I become convinced they’re reality. Anger thrums inside me, growing larger and louder until it’s pulsing around me in waves.

I’m fucking tired of working so hard.

Sacrificing so much.

And not getting what I want.

Who I want.

If you want her, a voice in the back of my head whispers, you have to fight for her.

The alpha knows what’s coming before I do. His face drops, his dark eyes streaked with alarm as he rises to his feet, backing up and shoving his mate into the kitchen.

And then I can move. His pressure is gone, so I bellow, and a loud agonizing energy shoots from my body like a star, sending a force through the room that shakes the walls and rattles the windows. The chandelier dances on the ceiling, and Wyatt crouches down, pulling his hands over his head as plaster rains down.

My pressure is angry, encapsulating years of repression and sacrifice.

And when it’s over, I’m standing still, breathing heavily as the anger continues to thrum through me, sending shocks of power from my fingertips and toes.

“Shit.” Wyatt rises to his feet, his eyes wide with shock. “I didn’t know you had it in you, Noah.”

“Take me to Hetty,” I tell him thickly, my voice unrecognizable. “Now.”


Out of Control


“I’m taking Noah to the lake,” Wyatt tells the burly alpha, whose name I’ve learned is Run, and his mate’s name is Jade. I didn’t catch the baby’s name, but something tells me Run isn’t too anxious for me to know it.

After Wyatt deemed me calm enough, he dragged me into the kitchen, so Run and I could kiss and make up. We found him, Jade, and their baby huddled around the table, watching me like they’d like nothing more than to see my throat cut. Even the baby looked pissed.

I thought I could handle seeing Run again, but as soon as we laid eyes on one other, aggression snapped between us like sparks off a live wire. I wasn’t sure if it was coming from him or me … maybe both.

“The lake?” Run’s ugly face twists in a scowl. “I don’t think the boss will like that,” he growls, eyeing me up and down with suspicion. “This guy’s out of control.”

Wyatt scoffs. “There’s no one more in control. He’s just having a moment…” He sighs as if unconvinced.

“Isn’t he the one who attacked Rill the night of the blackout?”

“Well, yeah,” Wyatt grunts, side-eyeing me. “But it doesn’t matter… He’s my brother, and he’s coming with me.”

I growl, the only contribution I’m capable of making in my current state. Coarse, sharp anger thrums from my body as my muscles tighten and my head throbs with some animal need. When I meet Run’s eyes, I crack my knuckles, certain of one thing…

I want to kill him.

I can honestly say I’ve never wanted to kill anyone in my life, but I absolutely want to kill this alpha.

He knows where Hetty is, and he doesn’t want me there. So, he needs to die.

He knows what I’m thinking, too. There’s a heady pause as his gaze flicks between me and Wyatt, sizing us up. I feel a surge of excitement as I move closer to my brother, ready for the next fight.

“No! Don’t start,” Jade yells, stepping between us and breaking up our rage spell. “I’ve had enough of watching you idiots throw each other into walls.”

I’m disappointed as Run steps back, his eyes downcast, Wyatt quickly following suit. But my blood is still pumping wildly in my veins—I’m on still edge, ready to snap.

“Let them go, Run,” she continues, looking up at her mate and pulling the wriggling baby close. “Wyatt’s right—this guy’s his brother. And we knew this day was coming.” She glowers at me like she’s none too pleased about this.