Page 10 of The Secret Omega

The mood shifts as any sense of light-heartedness disappears. His dark eyes glisten, and his scarred, ugly face twists with a sneer.

“Liz needs to be here,” he spits out, leaning forward in his chair. “You don’t know what it’s like out there.”

He’s right. I don’t know anything.

“Well then, stay here and follow the Order,” I say mechanically.

He hisses, and bites his bottom lip with his fangs, aggression rolling off him in sulfur-scented waves. When I don’t react, he hisses again and squeezes the chair’s arm so tight that it cracks.


“Do you want to fight me, Rill?” I ask, uninterested in his bluster. “You think things will work out for you here if you kick my ass?”

He jumps to his feet, his aggression thickening the air. “The real world’s going to hit you like a ton of bricks,” he warns darkly.

I wait, ready to fight back if I need to and really hoping I don’t have to. But right when it seems he’s going to throw a giant hissy fit—and most likely, the chair—he turns on his heels and stomps toward the door.

“Not one pigeon cares about your ridiculous rules or that you’re some made-up, fucking Administrator,” he calls over his shoulder, using his strange nickname for the mysterious people that live outside Goldenrod. “In your bones you’re no different from me, and when they find out he’s dead, we’re all in for a world of hurt.”

“Well, that hasn’t happened yet,” I say blankly. “So, for now, follow the Order or get out.”

“Delusional fucker,” he scoffs as he turns to pull the door open forcibly, glancing back at me as he walks away. It looks like he’s going to yell out another parting shot, but he doesn’t get the chance—in a flash of movement, he stumbles.

I barely catch a glimpse of Hetty Nigrum standing on the other side of the door, holding a tray of coffee before the blunt muscles of Rill’s bicep roughly knock her tiny body to the floor.


Spilled Coffee


One second, I’m sitting calmly, grateful that Rill is finally leaving. The next, as Hetty’s body tumbles to the ground, my body is ablaze in … something.

In a red-cloaked haze, I rush into the hall where she’s splayed on the stone floor. Her headscarf is askew, her gray dress is wet with coffee, and she’s surrounded by broken dishes, sugar cubes, and puddles of cream.

I kneel beside her and lay my hand on her forehead. At my touch, her eyes flutter, and she releases a short squeak as she attempts to speak.

“Shush,” I say deeply, lowering my hand to her neck to feel her racing pulse. Her skin feels hot and clammy, but eventually, her pounding pulse slows down and her breathing evens out.

“Are you all right?” I grit out, inspecting her.

She swallows and nods, but doesn’t say anything as she attempts to raise her head before falling back with a wince.

My head jolts up toward Rill where he’s still standing above us, shifting on his feet.

“What’s the matter with you?” I growl, standing. “You’re knocking around defenseless betas now? Is that how they do things in the real world?”

“I didn’t see her,” he claims before lowering his gaze and studying Hetty impassively. “Are you okay?”

Something about the casual way he asks the question infuriates me. Just seconds ago, I couldn’t even be bothered to sit up straight while he hissed aggression at me, but now I’m ready to strangle him.

But as Hetty blinks, and starts rising to a sitting position, strands of fine blonde hair hanging in front of her eyes, I freeze.

“I’m fine,” she mutters as she reaches under her tilted scarf, gingerly touching the back of her head. When she pulls her hand away, there’s bright red blood on her fingers.

“Oh,” she whispers, looking between me and her hand in confusion.

A savage growl tears through my body.