“It’s good to see you again,” Gavin said. “However, I must warn you we got two letters from Roman while we were on Pearl Island. He’s not pleased with you.”

Nava had been worried about that. Sure, Roman had been her friend of sorts, but he’d been spectacularly unhelpful when the Dark Ones kidnapped Arkimedes. Of course, protecting the village he ruled would be his priority, but he could have at least told her something about what to expect in the Copper Kingdom.

“Well, I’m not happy with him either.” Nava crossed her arms. “He could have told me Arkimedes was a prince before I embarked on this mission and nearly got myself killed.”

“You still released the Crow that killed so many of us,” Violet said as she stepped out of the crowd. Nava steeled herself for the predictable tongue-lashing. Undoubtedly, it would follow soon.

Her friend had cropped her hair short. Much like Gavin, she was wearing traveling clothes: a long tunic and worn brown boots.

“I meant to bring him back,” Nava said, and the words tasted of the guilt that still churned in her stomach. “It just didn’t work out that way.”

“She gets to pardon a prisoner, Violet. She’s a queen now,” Cameron said.

Nava brushed her sweaty hands over the skirt of her deep charcoal dress, and the gems embroidered on her long billowy sleeves caught the sunlight.

Violet shrugged and walked toward Gavin, handing him a heavy brown bag, presumably filled with their belongings. “I’m guessing the bastard ran?” Her eyes settled on Arkimedes. “Or maybe you let him go? Weren’t you brothers before?”

“Violet…” Gavin warned.

“I let him go, Violet, not Arkimedes. But I believe he was remorseful for his actions in the end, unlike some others we have met recently.” Nava looked at the ground. “He helped me come here and save Arkimedes—and this kingdom.”

Silence followed, and Nava bit her tongue so she wouldn’t fill it with nervous rambles. Still, Violet’s face softened, and while she wasn’t a hugger, her tentative smile spoke volumes. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry we weren’t there to help you. We can talk about it all when we aren’t out here in the open. But we tried to get to you as soon as we could.”

Of course they had. Nava had no reason to doubt it.

“I’m loving the way this reunion is going.” Gavin took a loud breath of air, patting Arkimedes on the shoulder. “What do you say—should we get something to eat? I’m ravenous, and clearly Violet is, too.”

“So where are these magical creatures I keep hearing about that only live in this kingdom?” Cameron strolled ahead, as if this wasn’t the first time he’d ever been here.

“Be more specific. There are many magical creatures in this kingdom.” Arkimedes lengthened his steps to catch up to her brother.

“A fae on the ship said they looked like bulls—but bigger?”

“The orrus?”

“Yes! Those.”

“You are in luck. We have some ready to take us home.”

They walked across the dock’s wide planks, bleached silver by the unforgiving salty air and the sun. Their carriage awaited them by the street, and its two guards and the driver promptly bowed as they approached.

“Do they always do that? Bow to you?” Cameron whispered into Nava’s ear, his breathing loud and excited as they climbed inside.

No matter how many times Nava asked them not to, they always treated her like the queen they believed her to be. “Yes. I’m getting more used to it now.”

“So where is home?” Gavin settled down on the squeaky leather seat, his long legs bent as Violet squeezed in next to him, while Cameron wriggled in between Ark and Nava. They’d stuffed the carriage to the brim with two large men, a muscular woman, a gangly teenager—and her.

“As far away from the castle and the king as possible,” Arkimedes whispered, almost more to himself, although everyone heard him. No matter how much time had passed since they’d learned the horrible truth, it didn’t make it any easier. Arkimedes battled daily with his darkness and the need to avenge his mother in a more ruthless way.

This wasn’t something Nava wanted to talk about here, though.

“We are heading to the city of Milania. It’s in a valley surrounded by beautiful mountains and nature,” Nava said, hoping to lift the heaviness that had descended on the carriage. “We will tell you everything that happened once we are there. I promise.”



One year later