* * *

It was difficult to return to the inn in the middle of the afternoon without being seen. They ran through the back alleyways, using magic to hide them when possible, even though their shielding spells were weak. Finding the shifters was imperative. They needed help, not only to bring their horses back to Violet’s home so that Thalea and her mother could use them to escape, but also because they might need reinforcements.

Mercifully, they discovered them right outside the inn. Ellie was giving orders to the footman. Mios’ mane looked messier than she had seen it before, ruffled by the wind after a long ride.

“He hasn’t seen me yet.” Gavin peered around the corner. “Fuck,” he said. “This is a mess.”

“I made it worse back in the tavern, but I just couldn’t let that bastard get away with what he did,” she muttered under her breath, leaning against the wall of the building. Now that the adrenaline had eased, she almost regretted her actions. The bounty hunters were here for her, and now it would be especially difficult to leave.

Gavin glanced back at her, and his expression softened. “He was looking for trouble, and what he got was less than what he deserved. I would have done something far less restrained than fracture his nose with a clay mug… and may I remind you that I find it sexy when you’re mean?”

“Stop making me smile.” She looked up at the darkening sky. “We need to go back home to help Thalea and mother.”

“Yes. Wait—I think Mios spotted me. They are coming.”

“Fancy seeing you here. Why are we hiding?” Ellie asked, stepping into the alleyway and shoving both hands inside her pockets.

Violet lifted the wanted flier she held in her grip and handed it to the wolf. Would the reward in gold sway Ellie? Never mind. It was too exhausting to mistrust everyone.

“Runaway bride? This is very scandalous. What an interesting turn of events.” Ellie’s copper gaze traced the picture before she handed it to Mios. “I thought you two were married?”

“We are,” Gavin growled, resting his head against the wall. He eyed the few people passing by in the street with suspicion. “A few local men ambushed us in the tavern and tried to take Violet… You can imagine how well that went.”

“You aren’t in this flier, Gavin,” Mios said.

“My parents are likely paying a fortune to keep me off. Or they haven’t found out I’m here yet.”

The lion nodded and handed the parchment back to Violet. “So, what now? Are you going to try to get the horses? I guess we can head south.”

“I can’t. We saw bounty hunters this morning.” Her voice shook. She’d run out of time to find any god stones—in this part of the world, at least. “They must have my face plastered everywhere by now. I have to leave the Iron Kingdom. I take it you didn’t get inside the mine?”

“A Sídhe ambushed us on the other side of the mine.” Mios indicated his forearm, where a bloodied bandage covered him from wrist to elbow.

Oh. She’d almost forgotten about the Sídhes and their conflict with the shifters.

“I can look at that if you want to,” Gavin offered, his eyes narrowing at the dried blood that spotted the dirty gauze.

“Here in the alleyway while you’re being hunted down? No, I’ll be fine. My nature will take care of it eventually.”

“We have to go to my family’s house and help my sister and mom,” Violet cut in. “They can’t stay here. Then we need to leave. Somehow.”

“I can find us a boat out of here and meet you back at your place,” Gavin said.

“You don’t have to do it alone,” Mios said. “I owe you my freedom, and Ellie owes Violet her ass. So we will find you a way out of here. You take care of your family.”

Ellie glanced at Mios. “This might be a good time for me to tell you I saw another fancy horse, a stallion like yours, Gavin. Most regular people can’t afford one of those. You wouldn’t have one unless you’re rich or—”

A chill ran up her spine. Or you were a member of the Society of Crows.



They made haste to the outskirts of town, through alleyways and small roads. The mist of the late afternoon gave them cover from the few people who went about their routines. Violet was thankful her house was so secluded. They didn’t need any attention from strangers right now.

Hopefully Thalea had made it home safe without having to use the weapon Violet had given her outside the tavern. She took a calming breath. She was probably just being paranoid. Still, with the bounty hunters in town it was imperative her family left today.

“Tell me I didn’t send Thalea to her death earlier, when I sent her home on her own.” Violet strode quickly over the tan gravel that filled the pathway leading up to her house.