“Weren’t you supposed to be keeping watch?” Violet asked with a smile.

Mios raised an eyebrow and met her grin with one feline of his own. “Weren’t you two supposed to be getting the horses?”

“We got sidetracked.” Gavin cleared his throat and shifted away from her.

“I saw. The town is stirring, my love birds, and I saw at least three suspicious looking fellows nearby. They looked like guards.”

“We should go.” Gavin nodded and dropped one last kiss on her temple before the three of them made their way out of the stables. They waved their goodbyes to the stableboy, but he was chatting animatedly with the horses and paid no attention to them.

“Are you sure you don’t want to ride a horse?” Violet asked. “Twenty-one is very sweet-tempered, and I can go with Gavin.”

“You named your mare Twenty-one?” Gavin’s offended tone wasn’t lost on her. Well, what did he expect? Strictly speaking she wasn’t even her horse.

Mios reached for her mare’s tack after adjusting the hood over his head. “Horses rarely like shifters, but if you really don’t mind it—I am still recovering from the poison. I need to preserve my energy until we know what awaits us out there.”

He was right. She could still feel the poison lingering in her bloodstream as well. Out in the mountains, they might encounter a Sídhe, or who knew what else. Their time in Scoria had ended, and Violet was ready to head back to her hometown of Sagewood. Hopefully, she’d see her family again at long last.

Talking about Mina had only made her miss Thalea more. She hoped she could say one last goodbye before she left this kingdom for good.



They rode without stopping, other than to rest at night. A sigh of relief left her lips when the rough dirt roads slowly gave way to cobbled stone. The first homes appeared shortly after, some with wooden shingles and others covered with thatched roofs. This was so different from the imposing buildings of the Iron City. Even when compared to Scoria, the shifter village of Tulahn appeared rudimentary.

Their horses’ hooves clanked along, and the homes became more polished-looking, made from stone and hardwood. The snow which had been falling on them for the better part of the day had stopped, but the chill in the air still left Violet’s fingers numb. They must be high up the mountain by now.

Carts pulled by oxen clattered over muddy streets, creating a steady background sound, and soon the small stands of a market came into view. Few people bustled between the stalls, either working or browsing the vibrant array of herbs on offer. Their rich aroma blended with the crisp scent of winter in the air, and Violet’s stomach grumbled loud enough for everyone to hear.

“We’ll get some food soon.” Gavin’s voice was gentle from behind her.

“I’m fine.” They had stopped to eat just once after they left their camp in the morning. It had been enough to tide her over until they reached this village.

“There aren’t many people out,” she whispered. In a place where everyone’s senses were heightened, she wasn’t sure anything was a secret.

“I suppose few would enjoy being out in this wonderful weather, though I have to admit… I quite like it myself.” Gavin shifted closer to her to keep their conversation private. His soft lips grazed the sensitive skin of her neck, right underneath her ear.

Violet could blame her damp clothes for the way her body shivered at that. Although she’d accepted that his nearness affected her and wanted nothing more than to pursue this building between them. “So you enjoy being cold and wet?”

“No, but I like having your round ass grinding against me as you try to get cozy.”

“Hush, everyone here can listen!” As strangled laughter left her lips, her stomach fluttered with a pleasant sensation. Violet hadn’t felt it in so long, she’d almost forgotten what it felt like. Gods, but anticipation was delicious. Her body instantly melted into his, and the hard planes of his muscular chest fit perfectly against her back. It would be so easy to become used to this. She felt dizzy with how much she wanted him.

“Let them. It will give them something to talk about.”

She turned toward him and caught the sparkle of mischief in his eyes. “Aren’t all rich men like you taught to be gentlemen? You had me fooled, Gavin Luna.”

“I would be happy to show you all the ways I can be ungentlemanly, then.”

Mios threw them a look from over his shoulder, lifting one shapely brow before he focused back on the road. “She’s not wrong. Everyone can hear this nonsense.”

A beat of silence, then Gavin’s roll of laughter shook her with its intensity, and she followed suit. Even from his profile, she could see Mios’ serious expression cracking as his lips morphed into a small smile.

This was it. A first in a long time, for her to be joking around with others. To feel free, even though she was a deserter and her days were numbered. She’d stopped herself from connecting with anyone ever since Cullen had betrayed her… maybe even longer than that—since she’d been taken from her family. Violet had one thing to thank Julius for, and that was that he’d shown her what she really wanted. She was done sabotaging herself out of it.

Whatever time she had left before Dargan came for her, she was determined to enjoy it with Gavin. If he’d let her… And she hoped he would.

Mios dug the heels of his icy boots into Twenty-one’s stomach and rode ahead, just as four men strolled out into the main street and toward them. They weren’t as large as their companion, but they still towered over most regular people. The largest one walked ahead of the rest. His skin was darker than even her own, and his piercing features were half hidden behind a thick beard with salt and pepper strands.