“Why, Walker, this is definitely going above and beyond,” I teased, turning around and taking the cloth from him. He took a stumbling step back, and his eyes widened slightly before his brows furrowed, but I gave him a wink and cleaned myself.

He tried to hide the hurt on his face, but I had already seen it. Before you call me heartless, he already knew what this was between us. I had never led him on. As a Reaper, we’re solo operatives until we make higher ranks and take field office assignments. Then we could have a chance to have a family. There’s no way I was ready to settle down in a relationship. All I was willing to have was a fling or the fuck buddy relationship we had, or at least I thought we did. I might have needed to reevaluate this if he was unwilling to keep to our agreement.

“You’re gonna be late. You wouldn’t want them to dock points now that you’re below me,” I razzed. He hip-checked me effectively, pushing me out of the way.

Well, I guess I’ll just wash my face at the sink.

“You might have won that, but I still beat you on the weapons course,” he mocked as he started to lather soap over his chest and lower abs.

My eyes followed his movements, and it wasn’t until he cleared his throat that I realized I had stopped what I was doing and was staring.

“Want another round?” He gave me a wink, and I snorted in reply.

“Don’t flatter yourself. It’s just been a while since I’ve gotten any good dick,” I said, reaching for my towel.

“Whatever,” he scoffed. ”What do you call what we just did?” he said, aghast.

“Yeah, and I said good dick,” I teased, blowing him a kiss before stepping out of the alcove.

I chuckled to myself as I heard him curse my name. I couldn’t make things easy on him. Where would the fun be in that?


The Living Legend


Iwalked into the Operations room and found it packed. There were only a few of us who needed to be in here since we needed our final assignment before graduating, but it wasn’t unheard of for the lower ranks to assemble here. It was just another way to learn about the creatures that run unchecked in our world. I found Kaye off to the side at the back of the room, eyeing a group of younger class novices in their black and gold training uniforms gawking around the leaderboard. Every week, we went through assessments to get new placements. By the time we graduated, depending on our rank and points, we would get a buttload of perks. Most Reapers would be fighting for higher pay, longer vacations, or picking which office they would live in. Me? I was just looking forward to picking my team, which would consist of Thorn, Kaye, and me.

I made my way over to Kaye and took in her stance. She seemed relaxed as she leaned against the wall, but there were slight lines around her eyes.

“You okay?” I asked, mimicking her stance.

“Oh. Hey. What’s up, Rave?” She gave me a small smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“Okay.” I sighed and stood up straight. “Who’s ass do I need to kick? I just left you less than an hour ago, and someone already decided to pick a fight with you?”

“Heel, Fido,” she joked, and my body relaxed slightly.

“Don’t you ever say that in front of Thorn,” I hissed, winking to lessen the threat.

“Deal. If you don’t go on a warpath.”

I perked up. “So I do need to kick someone’s ass.”

She grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the wall. “No. Dad just pulled me off to the side and wanted to reassure me that not taking an assignment today wasn’t going to affect my final placement,” she admitted with a frown.

“I’m guessing that wasn’t very assuring.” I knew her as well as I knew myself. We both hated handouts, and having her father give her one on a silver platter was more of a slap in the face than the offering he intended it to be.

“Yeah.” She turned to face me directly. “Since I got hurt and Dad is… well, Dad, I passed, but you won’t find my name up there.” A frown and a crease appeared between her eyes as they darted to the board. “The only way I’ll get an assignment is if someone will pick me even with my bum arm.” She scoffed. “Might as well put me out in the pasture.”

“Oh, please. You’re dangerous with both of your arms out of commission. Anyone would be stupid to pass you up,” I said, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly. “You know we’re a team until the very end. No matter what state we find ourselves in.”

‘Who are they betting on today?’ Thorn asked, breaking my moment with Kaye. He leaned against my five-foot-nine-inch frame as I gave him an annoyed look. I knew he was an animal and all, but I knew for a fact his memory wasn’t that bad. The novices were doing the same thing they always did in this room.

‘I’m pretty sure it’s the usual,’ I countered.

“Hey, Clarke. You in?” Walker called from the front of the room. I hadn’t seen him up there, but I watched as he ran his fingers through his short blond curls, sending water droplets flying, wincing as he hit the area I knocked him out at.