“I can try and splint it,” Kaye wondered as she looked around. I didn’t know what the hell she was going to use. I didn’t see her bag anywhere or extra clothes. “Oh! I can use the shirt Junior had hanging through his belt loop,” she announced, running off toward the corpse. At least he was being useful.

“Here, Thorn, lie down so you don’t injure yourself more,” I coaxed my stubborn friend. Within a few moments, Kaye was back with cloth from Junior’s unused shirt and a few twigs. “Here. For your shoulder.” I didn’t have time to really deal with my own shoulder, so I just pressed the wadded-up cloth between my bra strap and shoulder and hoped it stayed. We wrapped his leg to the best of our ability and helped him back up.

‘Think you can walk at least?’ I asked, worried he wouldn’t be able to and we might have to carry him.

‘Yeah, but Rave… we have a bigger problem.’ Fear seeped into Thorn’s tone.

‘What do you mean?’

But before he could answer, I could hear it. Chanting.

I looked over my shoulder and found Julia swaying back and forth, head tilted back and her arms held above her. Darker clouds were gathering and swirling in the sky.

“We’re in trouble,” Kaye observed.

‘Rave, they took Kaye’s bag. I think it might be inside that shack,’ Thorn worried.

“Shit!” We needed that bag. Kaye always carried extra ammo, plus she had medical supplies in there. Given what we had dealt with already, we needed it desperately.

Kaye looked between Thorn and Julia. She hesitated for a brief moment and looked torn between helping Thorn or needing to go after Julia.

“Here! Try and delay her!” I encouraged, handing her the two tranqs I found on the way here. “Thorn thinks your bag is in the shack. We’re going to go get it.”

Kaye nodded and took off in the witch’s direction as I carefully picked up Thorn. Pain shot through my left shoulder, but I held back my complaints and picked up my best friend. He was still thorned out, and even with my jacket covering me, those could be deadly if he added any sudden pressure against them. I wasn’t looking forward to playing a kabob.

‘Keep an eye on Kaye for me, okay?’ I let out a wheeze as he rolled into me, his spikes digging against my coat. ‘Can you turn off the spikes? They’re starting to hurt.’ Okay, so most of my complaints.

‘You know I can’t when I’m agitated like this.’

He had a point. I sucked it up and moved as fast as I could, focusing on the shack even though I heard Kaye’s gun going off.

‘Her tranqs aren’t doing anything, Rave. It’s like hitting a forcefield around the bitch,’ Thorn informed me.

I shot a quick glance Kaye’s way and saw the two tranqs floating in the air less than six inches away from Julia’s torso. We reached the shack’s entrance, and I sat Thorn down.

“Little Reaper. Did ya really think I would make it that easy to get to me?” Julia’s accent was thick and sultry as she turned and smiled at Kaye.

‘Rave! Gator!’ Thorn yelled, and like an English Pointer, pointed out the alligator slinking toward Kaye.

‘Go find her bag. I got her,’ I told Thorn, taking off towards my bestie. “Kaye!” I yelled, pulling her attention away from the deranged witch. “Gator.” I pointed over her shoulder to the overgrown water lizard, but she couldn’t see it from where she was.


I ran my hand over my Demfire bracelet, and Honor came alive, snaking down my arm and extending into a whip. I lashed out in time to snag the gator around the neck before he lunged for Kaye.

“Help Thorn!” I shouted, pulling to the left and trying to hold the gator back. Kaye didn’t hesitate but ran straight into the shack, hopefully to find her bag to help take this witch down. A deep bellow sounded from the gator as he continued pulling against me and toward my friends.

What the hell was up with this thing? Wild gators naturally feared people, so either this bad boy was a pet, a shifter, or it was spelled. Either way, he wasn’t making this easy on me. He pulled, causing pain to shoot up my left arm, and I almost dropped my whip, causing me to trip over something. I kicked at it and found a femur. Oh god!

‘Hurry up, Thorn,’ I mentally urged as I picked up the bone and moved closer to the beast, hitting it over the head. His jaw opened with a hiss, and he turned my way. Well, that’s one way to get his attention. I went to hit him again and realized a huge chunk of meat was at the bone's end. My stomach rolled, and I was debating dropping the femur right as he lunged for me. His jaws snapped the bone in half, and I fell back with a yelp.

That was a femur, the strongest bone in the body, and he just snapped it like a twig.

‘Rave! Watch out!’ Thorn yelled. I quickly flicked my wrist, unraveling the whip’s thong around his neck, and grabbed hold of the handle. With a simple thought, my Demfire whip transformed into a staff right as the gator’s jaw came down, jarring my arms in the process.

‘A little help here!’ I shouted.

‘What do you expect us to do? He’s obviously not scared of humans,’ Thorn growled back.