Junior and the girl who looked way too young to be with him burst through the hedge of weeds and into a clearing. A simple shack was the only building that stood out in this bayou. That must be Julia’s shack we’ve been looking for. The deranged couple slowed to a walk and looked around the area as they approached the cauldron over the open fire pit. I could only assume the woman dressed in white who was attending the fire was none other than Julia Brown. The Bone Witch definitely lived up to the name—dressed in white and covered in bones. She had an ethereal glow about her as she hummed and stirred whatever was in the cauldron.

Well, I found the witch. Now, where’s Kaye and Thorn?

I tried reaching out for him again as I scanned the area, but I got a sharp stabbing pain between my eyes as if I slammed into a wall. There had to be something blocking us. I spotted a cage in the back right corner of the clearing just out of the light that I was hoping my friends were stuck in, so I made my way over as I grasped some of the conversation.

“Priestess, where’s my family?” the woman asked.

“Lily, my sweetie child. They are serving me in other ways. Just as you will have to.”

I didn’t know what she meant, nor did I want to know. I was on a mission to first find my friends.

“Thorn, stop wiggling.” Kaye’s words allowed me to smile finally.

They were alive, and that meant I could focus on a rescue. That cage must have been spelled somehow, and that was why I couldn’t reach Thorn. I snuck up close enough to whisper. “But he’s more fun when he does.”

“Jesus!” Kaye grabbed her chest and glared at me. “Took your time finding us.”

“Sheesh. Sorry. Apparently, something is blocking my connection with Thorn; otherwise, I would have been here sooner. Need some help?”

Kaye arched a perfect eyebrow and rolled her eyes before grabbing the cord she had dropped before I scared her. She continued to cut it against Thorn’s sharpened skin spikes.

It’s cool to finally see those things come in handy instead of causing destruction in my room.

“I think the cage is spelled,” she explained as she finished with that cord.

“Here,” I said, pulling my last knife and handing it to her. “You cut this as I pull.” I stood up and grabbed hold of the edge of the wooden plank, pulling as hard as I could. She reached out and grabbed the last cord that was keeping the plank firmly in place when suddenly an arm came around my neck, tearing me away from my friends.

Immediately, I tucked my chin down and grabbed the arm with both hands.

“I knew you would show up.” Junior’s rotten breath wafted over my skin. “Not so feisty now that you’re in my neck of the bayou, huh?”

“Funny you would say that,” I said as I stepped to the side and brought my left fist back as hard as I could, making solid contact with his crotch.


He bent over but didn’t loosen his grip, so I struck and lifted my elbow up as fast as I could and was rewarded with a crack of his nose.

“Fuck.” He grunted and released his hold, and I spun around to face the asshole that apparently was in on this to begin with. “You cunt!” he screamed and kicked out.

I easily dodged his attack and almost felt sorry for him. There had to be a reason why he was on this side of shit instead of actually helping us get control of the situation here. A banshee shrill cut through the night’s downpour before something landed on my back and started to pummel away.

“Leave my husband alone!”

Okay, so the psycho bitch explained Junior. He got attached to the hypnotic pussy.

‘Hey, Rave, did you know you had a monkey on your back?’ Thorn chuckled.

‘Oh, thanks. Here I thought I was just getting old,’ I grunted out, catching sight of him as he ran past. “Hey, where are you going?’ I reached back and grabbed something solid and pulled, flipping said monkey over me.

I heard a thump and a scream before I got my answer. “Ahhh. Get this animal off me!” Junior yelled.

I was tempted to look myself, to see what damage he was doing, until I heard a distinctive click.

“Don’t move.” The small cold barrel pressed against my temple was a good indication that a gun was trained on me. “Stand up slowly.”

I did as she said, and she turned me towards the cage, completely ignoring the scuffle behind us. I could feel her smaller frame shaking through my jacket as she pressed against me and used me as a human shield.

“Where’s your friend at?” Daisy Sunshine asked as she pressed harder on the gun. It felt like she was hoping to just magically push it inside my head. Newsflash, woman, it doesn’t work that way.