You and me, and the devil make three

Don’t need no one but to slay thee.”

An arch of light slashed out from her hand and decapitated all the LaCombs around the fire, punctuating the end of the verse. I choked back a silent scream as I watched, their bodies remaining to stand and slightly swaying as she continued singing.

“Come now and repay me

My sweet little priceless baby.

Come and lay your bones on the obsidian stones

And be my every lovin’ baby.”

The bodies clumsily stumbled over each other towards the tall weeds without their heads, where there indeed was a slab of rock laid out, and they all lay down and stopped moving. She let out a sharp whistle and casually began to pick up the decapitated heads, throwing them into the cauldron.

Movement in the tall grass had me shuffling away from the edge of the cage right as a massive alligator shot out of the dark. Two more joined it as they descended on the freshly departed LaComb family.

“Thorn, I think we might be in more trouble than I had originally calculated.”


Three’s a Crowd


If it weren’t for a couple of Kaye’s darts, it would have been almost impossible to tell where to go from the bone pit of horrors in the dark. A small part of me was ecstatic that I was on the right path, but I was more worried than anything else. Kaye wasn’t the type to leave her weapons lying around, not even as a trail. We were taught to leave other landmarks like broken plant limbs or dragging our feet when being led somewhere. The fact that her darts were carelessly dropped meant someone else had her weapons, and these were dropped by mistake. I picked them up and carefully placed them in my inner pocket as I continued on.

It wasn’t long until I heard a faint haunting melody that I changed my direction to follow, keeping my steps light.

I know what you’re thinking. Dark swamp, check. Deadly creatures, check. Why the hell am I going TOWARD the creepy noise? Simple. It’s. My. JOB!

As I slowly approached, something grabbed my attention, causing me to pause. A scuffling noise came from behind me and to the left. No way in hell was I going to allow something to get the drop on me. I eased back and squatted down to see what was out here with me.

As I got closer, moans could be heard. “Ahh. Yes, baby. Right there.”

“Yeah, come on this thick dick.”

“I’m coming.”

Well, I guess that explains what was making the scuffling noise.

No need to stay here and ruin their night as a Peeping Tom.

“I love you, Junior.”

“Love you too, now let’s hurry back.”

Wait a second, was that our Junior? The creep at the old house?

“I don’t trust that Reaper alone.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure Julia has already taken care of her. But I agree.” An arc of light flared across the sky. She gasped. “Shit. We need to hurry.”

“Yeah, we shouldn’t ’ve run off,” Junior commented.

“But it was worth it,” the woman giggled.

I quickly and quietly followed them as they ran past me and toward the melody. I had the pleasure of Junior flashing me his ass the whole way as he tried to get his overalls back on.