I eyed her cautiously from my hiding spot, but a strong cramp from my stomach prompted me to follow my gut. I carefully emerged from my spot and climbed onto her lap before sniffing the container.

‘Mmm. Yes. Gimme!’ I lunged for the container, but she moved it out of my way and bopped me on the nose. Are you kidding me? I’m a downright killer here with…baby teeth and freaking claws of fury, and she’s whacking me on the nose? How dare she!

‘Say please,’ she urged as she brought the container closer and grabbed something big and white from the pile of grass.

‘PLEASE!’ I bounced on the edge of the container, my caution of the tiny human forgotten. She gently pushed me back as she tried to keep the container of grass from spilling.

‘Does this smell good?’

I sniffed and nodded, gently taking the object out of her hand. It’s the least I could do since she did bring me something that smelled delicious. ‘Mmm hmm.’ My cheeks puffed out as I chewed as fast as I could on her lap.

“Mommy? What do they like to eat?” she asked, trying to keep her voice down. Her eyes searched through the container for more white pieces and fed them to me as she waited for an answer.

“I think mainly meat, sweetie. Oh honey, grab that one,” her mother squeaked, and I glanced up in time to see her father swoop in to grab one of my siblings, running our way. Probably to ruin a special moment for me.

The girl tensed up and gripped me to her as if she was protecting me from my siblings, and my little heart melted right then.

“It’s okay, sweetie. We’ll keep them occupied. Go on and feed him,” her mother laughed as she grabbed another one.

The grip loosened, and she ran her hand down my neck, soothing me. ‘It’s okay. We won’t let anyone hurt you anymore,’ she said, and for some strange reason, I completely believed her. For the first time, I felt like I was safe and wanted. There was hope. ‘How about some chicken?’ She smiled.

‘It smells weird,’ I admitted, wrinkling my nose.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” my handler screamed, making me jump. Her face was red with fury as she hurried back into the room. “You can’t feed him that. You’ll make him sick!”

The little girl’s dad jumped up, my siblings forgotten, and stepped in front of the handler as she angrily pushed her stray hair out of her face. My new friend pulled me close and grabbed another round white piece out of the box, feeding me the morsel.

As I swallowed the item she gave me, my curiosity got the better of me. ‘What’s going on? Why is she mad?’

‘I don’t think I was supposed to feed you,’ she answered honestly, giving me a pout as she looked down at me. My heart skipped a beat as it dawned on me that I might lose my new best friend as soon as I met her.

‘But why? My stomach finally doesn’t hurt. Isn’t that a good thing?’

Her mother came over to us and gathered us in her arms. I was trying not to panic as her father tried to calm down the lady I’d known my entire life.

“I don’t care who you are. You can’t just disobey rules. I’m calling security and management,” my handler threatened and reached for the phone. She pressed a button and started to bark out harsh words.

“Suits me just fine. I need to make arrangements for this animal anyway,” he told her, pulling out his own small phone.

“Mommy? What’s going on?” the little girl asked, shaking as she held me tight.

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” her mother whispered. “I think we just found you the perfect present. It looks like you’re getting a new friend as a pet. How does that sound?”

The smiles on both of their faces were enough to make me understand that my life was about to change forever. Since then, Rave and I had been inseparable and pretty much fought like siblings.

It wasn’t until Rave spoke up about the time that I realized I had dozed off.


Rave accidentally let that word fly through our connection, and I cracked an eye to peer over at her.

“Kaye, how much longer do you think we have before we get there?” Rave asked, worry laced in her voice.

‘Wanna share with the class?’

‘No, not really,’ she growled.

I chuckled to myself, knowing she was going to spill anyway.