Page 95 of Useless Love

Time seems to slow and it feels like the drive is taking forever as my thoughts churn. I've hated him for so long and wished for his death nearly every hour this very week, but to hear that somebody actually shot my father has sent my mind into chaos. Without him, we are sitting ducks. Nico is only seventeen and hasn’t so much as killed an ant yet. Until months ago, Luca was planning to take control of our organization. What does this mean for us? What are we going to do?

When I finally arrive, I find Mother sobbing in a waiting area. Victoria is on the floor crying and looking like she doesn’t have the strength to get up.

I hurry to her side, clutching her arm. “Is he dead?”

Someone comes up behind us. “No, he’s in intensive care.” I spin around to find Uncle Agostini looming over us.

“Do you know who shot him? Do we have to worry?”

He snorts. “The head of the Bencivenga organization was shot. Of course, we have to worry.”

I nod. I know that but…my mind is so cloudy. But of course our enemies will know we’re weak. They may already be planning a hit on Nico.

I rub Mother’s back. “Father is strong; he will be fine.”

“I hope so,” she says before falling into more sobs.

Victoria continues to weep silently, clinging to Mother’s legs. I only clench my jaw. This is fucking déjà vu. I am so sick of this shit. This better not be the fucking Gaudinos again. Everyone trusted Carmine, but what if he’s the one who did this? He got his “princess” so it’s time to take down his enemy.

Nico arrives, surrounded by security.

When he’s close enough, I ask, “You alright?”

Nico says nothing, but I know he is scared. However, he has been told a million times not to show it.

“It’s going to be okay,” I say in his direction. Lies. I’ve said the same thing so many ties before, yet nothing is okay. I have a sinking dread that I’m going to lose my last brother. Then my sisters. I don’t want to lose my sisters…or anyone as much as I know they all hate me.

“Does Gaia know?” I ask.

“I told her,” Mother says softly before returning to crying.My mind is racing again and I can’t hold back my suspicions. “That bastard Carmine better not show his face,” I snarl. “What if the Gaudino family did this? What if they had a plan of their own? Getting father to lower his guard?”

“Arianna, they wouldn’t….” Mother starts.

“You don’t know! Gaia is out there with none of our security, and Father has been shot!”

“Stop,” Nico says. “Just fucking stop Arianna.”

I cross my arms and stare at the floor. Are they all blind?

“I’m not ruling it out,” Uncle says, and I glance up at him.

I might feel relieved to have an ally, if I hadn’t seen him that day talking to Luca’s killer. No one can be trusted anymore it seems, not even family.

Since Gaia is now one of the Gaudinos, can I even trust her?


Mother called early in the morning before anyone was up. I was shocked and all I wanted to do was tell Carmine about my father and cry in his arms. But I held back. I don’t know why I held back…I guess I knew he’d want to come to the hospital with me. Since I still haven’t told him the truth, I can’t risk my real name being said around him. In times of grief, people get sloppy. Mother could call me “Gaia” or Nico. It’s too risky.

I figured when Carmine called to ask where I am, I could explain the situation and tell him I’m safe at home with my family, so he should stay in LA to finish with business. With any luck, I can convince him not to come. If he does…I guess I’ll have to finally admit the truth. I can’t keep lying to him like this.

So I put on clothes, grabbed my wallet and jacket, then I snuck out of the house. Since the guards are always looking around for people trying to sneak inside, sneaking out actually wasn’t difficult. Once I was down the block, I ordered a taxi to the airport and used my father’s account to get a private jet home.

I’m now on the plane trying to keep myself calm during this seven hour flight. As thoughts are spinning through my head, I call my sister. We’ve barely spoken, but in a time like this one has to let go of grudges. We need to be a family for Father’s sake and try to mend bridges.

“How is he?” I ask as soon as she answers the call.

“Not good. He was hit in the chest. They’ve done what they can, but the doctor says he will remain in critical condition.”