I kept my mouth shut. I had no doubt that he would’ve put a gun to my head that day.
“Get out of my sight,” he said, rubbing his temples. “You’re such a disappointment. Anytime anyone is around you, they regret it."
I’ll admit, that last line stung. But is that true? Even Gaia seems to dislike me these days, and we’re twins. I know I lied, but why can’t anyone in my family understand I’m trying to help us?
I don’t care what Father thinks of me, but I need to win back my mother, brother and sister’s affections. The sooner I kill Jr. Gaudino, the sooner this will all be over. Then instead of peace, our great family can take over the pathetic Gaudino assets. Everything will be right in the world.
When Victoria and I get back to the penthouse, she storms off, clearly agitated about breakfast. Whatever. I try to give Gaia a call to let her know about what happened, so she doesn’t say something stupid, but her phone is off. She’s probably volunteering again. Will she give it a fucking break already?
I wake up the next day with a headache. I couldn’t sleep. I can’t stop thinking about seeing Arianna at breakfast. Why was she so…cold?
Things don’t add up. The Arianna I have been spending time with would try to put on a brave face while secretly being shy and unsure of herself. She’s innocent. Yet, the Arianna I meet at breakfast after two weeks of being apart carries a fucking pistol, oozes confidence, and is somewhat annoying. Plus, that kiss was very forward and experienced. Unless she fucking kissed all the men in her neighborhood, I doubt two weeks would make her that experienced.
And those eyes…something about those eyes was wrong. They were empty. Angry. So either she acted fragile and innocent to get my attention, or the girl has multiple personalities. Or the third option…
When I enter the kitchen and kiss my mother good morning, I glance at my sister. “What do you know about the Bencivenga twins?”
She pauses while eating a muffin, mid-bite. “Wow, that’s a loaded question for breakfast?”
Mother, who is sitting in the nook, looks at me. “Is something wrong?”
“Bencivenga keeps information about his family under lock and key. But shouldn’t we know more now that we’re joining families soon?”
“What’s there to know?” Carla says. “They have three daughters and one son. I think there are a few aunts and uncles. Cousins. Just like our family.”
“What are his daughter’s names?”
“Well, you know one.”
Mother frowns at how sassy Carla is being and tries to be more patient with me. “When I talked with Mrs. Bencivenga that one day, she mentioned Arianna, Victoria, Gaia, and Nico. Those are the children’s names. What do you need them for?”
To actually know something about the fucking family I’m marrying into.
Honestly, I just got right down to business after hearing the proposal. Then my dick took over. I’ve clearly been acting irrationally and I blame it on those tits. But it’s time to slow the fuck down and act like an actual good leader of the Gaudino family.
Mother waits. “Carmine? What’s going on?”
I kiss her cheek. “Nothing to worry about.”
I motion for Carla to follow me into my office. She takes a bite of her muffin and looks around. “Okay, you are acting really strange.”
“I told you, I just need information, but Christopher is busy and I don’t want to worry Mother.”
Carla looks excited. “Wait. You’re asking me for help? But I’m just…a sister. A woman.”
“And Father doesn’t—”
“Father is finished.”
Carla becomes very still. In a quiet voice, she asks, “You…killed him?”
“No, but if I tell you something, you better fucking swear not to tell anyone else. Okay? If you want to be involved in things from now on, that’s the first rule: snitch and you die.”
She looks a bit scared. “You would really kill me?”