“Do me a favor, Julia,” Carmine says. “Go put all this stuff in boxes. I’ll tip you well, as promised.”
When Julia is out of sight, I turn to face Carmine, who takes my hand and leads me to the room we previously cleaned and painted. No one else is there.
Once inside, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into an embrace. “You greeted my mother with a hug. Yet, I get nothing?”
I can’t speak because I’m fighting back tears. I’m suddenly realizing how much I missed him, but I don’t want him to know that. I need to get my silly emotions under control.
“Princess,” he groans when I don’t answer.
I see a predatory look in Carmine’s eyes, and my body goes from warm to hot. Acting like a vixen again and not like myself, I grip the front of his suit, pressing closer to him. "Carmine…” I moan before his mouth is on mine, and his tongue thrusts inside of me. Instinctively, my arms wrap around his neck as pushes me against the closest wall, grinding his hardness against my stomach. I’m mortified that this is all happening at my St. Mary’s, but I’m struggling to stop.
Sinner. Slut. Whore.
Carmine's unique tongue arouses me as he works it around my mouth. He lowers his hands to cup my ass and I moan again, wetness pooling between my legs. When he lifts one of my legs, wrapping it around his waist to rub his cock harder against me, I stiffen. We break the kiss and our gazes collide.
Before I can think of what to say, Carmine steps back. “Shit. Sorry, princess.”
Finding my voice, I say, “Don’t curse. You’re in a church.”
“Exactly. I didn’t mean to touch you here. I only intended to kiss you, but you tasted so good.” Carmine brushes his hand over my embarrassingly hot cheek.
I step far enough away that he can’t touch me. Then I hug my waist.
“I know how much this place means to you,” he says, looking remorseful. “I just lost control temporarily.”
My body clamps up as I realize my respect and love for St. Mary’s were nearly forgotten simply because Carmine kissed me. How far would I have let him go just now?
I need to stop behaving this way.
I turn to leave, but Carmine grabs my wrist gently. “I said I’m sorry.”
“I know, I just…I liked kissing you. I can’t lie about that. But it’s wrong to do it here. In a way, you kissed the sense out of me.”
Running a hand through his hair and visibly more relaxed, Carmine says, “Kissing you senselessly is something I’d love to keep doing. However, let's do that at dinner tonight. Is that better?”
“Dinner? At a restaurant with other people?”
“Yes, a public restaurant. With others around to keep you safe,” Carmine teases.
I nod, fleeing the room before I succumbed to my emotions again.
Carmine follows at a distance, and we return to the main area of the church. I spot my mother talking to Mrs. Gaudino. A sudden spike of adrenaline sends my heart into my throat. Mother wouldn’t tell her about the switch, would she? Sometimes wives of powerful men share secrets with each other as gossip, but if Mother tells, then Mrs. Gaudino might tell Carmine. I don’t think he’d ever forgive my betrayal.
I hurry over and can see Mother studying me as I approach with Carmine behind me.
I fake a smile and kiss her cheek. “Mother, you came earlier than I expected.”
She never takes her eyes off Carmine, saying, “I didn’t know the Gaudino family would be here.”
“We surprised her,” Mrs. Gaudino says.
Still not removing her eyes from Carmine, Mother asks, “Where were you two?”
I grin in an attempt to hide my blush. “Oh, Carmine was helping me move some boxes and—”
“I had to speak with my fiancée for a bit,” Carmine says confidently. “I’ve been out of town for a few days.”
Instead of replying, Mother finally shifts her gaze to me and studies my face. She pushes my hair from my cheek and says, “Let me donate some money. Then we can all grab a drink and chat. Wouldn’t you like that? Arianna? It’s about time I get a few moments to chat with you fiance”