Page 108 of Useless Love

I gasp as the blade presses into my neck, my heart beating wildly. A scream is caught in my throat. Any moment, and he’ll flick his wrist, cutting into my throat and—


Sal drops the knife and stumbles back onto the floor. My heart flutters as I see Carmine running towards me. I’m also a bit shocked because he’s not wearing a suit and tie. Tears blur my visions at the sight of him.

He shot Sal in the shoulder and is now pointing a gun at his head.

“You came,” I sob.

“Of course I came,” Carmine says. He can’t look away from Sal but he gives a soft smile. “Now go with Christopher to the car. I have to clean some things up.”

Chirstopher unties me and then we hurry out of the warehouse.


Fifty four-year-old Agostini Bencivenga has no family left and resents my father for it. The only thing he has of value is a young pussy to smash. I follow the tracker I put on his whore all the way to a seedy motel near the docks. One of my men kicks open the door and Uncle is standing with his hair ass showing. His girlfriend is sucking his cock.

She screams while Agostini spins to face us.

I laugh at his dick. “Damn Uncle. You can’t even get hard enough to fuck your whore right.”

He lunges for a gun on the nightstand, but my soldiers stop him.“Arianna, what is this?”

I tap the barrel of my gun against my chin. “Hmm, now what could this be about?” I glance around at my men, who are all smirking. “Oh, that’s right.” I point the gun at Uncle’s ugly face. “Gaia is fucking missing.”

“What? When? You can’t really think I would—”

Bang! I put a bullet between the eyes of his whore.

Agostini stumbles back in horror, staring at his dead girlfriend who is soaking in a pool of blood on the floor.

He’s stammering for words, so I say,“Everybody knows I’m an unreasonable bitch, so why don’t you cut the shit, Agostini.”

With his alarmed eyes still on the whore, he says, “You are just like your father, taking everything from everyone.”

“Blah, blah, blah,” I say, waving my gun around. “Why don’t you tell me how long you’ve been plotting against my father?”

“You’re a fucking cunt, you know that? I’ve always supported you, yet you have the audacity to accuse me of—”

Bang! I put a bullet in his shoulder. What is with men like him? Just answer the fucking question!

“I didn’t—” he starts to say, but I silence him with another bullet to the leg. He falls to the floor, looking weak and pathetic with his wrinkly dick still out.

“The next one is going in your balls,” I warn him. “I think that will fucking hurt.”

Starting to bleed out, he tries to cover the bullet hole on his leg. “You fucking bitch! Your whole life. I’ve been plotting against your asshole father for as long as you’ve been alive. If you’re asking me if I put the hit out on him, then yes. But I fucking hired an incompetent hitman who—”

Bang! I shoot the floor near his feet just to shut him up. “Hold that thought,” I say. I dial Mother’s number. A few moments later, she answers.

“Are you at the hospital with Father?”

“Ari? Yes. He’s right here. He’s awake and—”

“That’s wonderful. Sorry to cut you off, but I’m in the middle of something. Put the phone on speaker.”


Next, I hear Father’s voice: “Where are you? What’s going on?”