I stand from my chair abruptly and grab him by the collar. His eyes flash with shock as I shove my pistol under his chin. “Then why did you fail when I asked you to get intel about the Bencivenga family?”
“Well, I…”
I push my loaded gun into his mouth to get silence.
“I’ve always wondered why our information about the Bencivenga organization was so inadequate. Then it came to me last night. If it were a fucking snake, it would have bitten me.”
In response to this, Sammy’s eyes widen. He tries mumbling out some words, but as he attempts to speak I only push my gun in deeper.
“If I had to guess, you are getting paid off,” I say. “You’re just a whore for the Bencivengas. But that makes me wonder…who are you reporting to? Last I heard, Antonio had been shot. And I doubt his teenage son is doing any scheming to take the old man out.”
I give Christopher a nod, and he opens the door. Another soldier ushers in Sammy’s wife, daughter, and sons. His mother is wheeled in last.
His daughter begins to scream, but one glance from me tells her any excess noise will only make me lose my shit. She covers her mouth, and only a faint whimper comes out.
Sammy looks panicked now.
“Here’s how this will go,” I tell him. “Depending on your answers, I may let your family live after I blow your brains out.”
Tears stream down Sammy’s face. When I pull out the gun, he sings like a fucking bird.
After Sammy is dead and I let his family go, Christopher and I are riding back to the house with a lot of interesting information. Some of that information involves my wife: Gaia.
When we get back to the house, I go to my office because I need a fucking moment to myself. I glance at the couch in the office as I pass. That’s where I went on one fucking knee and ate that lying bitch’s pussy. I denied myself release by not pushing her legs open and popping her cherry. I actually waited until the bitch was gone, draped her panties over my cock and came hard while thinking of her. What I should have done was thrown her on the ground and busted her hymen, not giving a shit about her please to wait until marriage.
I pour myself a drink and remove my jacket. Then grab my phone and place a call to California, “Take this information and search public records for a marriage between Gaia or Arianna Bencivenga and Carmine Gaudino. Call me back asap, with what you find.”
Everything was a goddamn lie. All the shit about wanting to have my babies. The crap about loving me. The fucking smiles and touches she gave me. Lies!
And the entire time I was acting as blind as my old man over a fucking woman. I am filled with anger and disgust at myself.
It all makes sense now: the strange vibe I got from her family at Mrs. Bencivenga’s birthday party, why “Arianna” acted so unlike herself that morning at breakfast, the rush to set a wedding date like we were trying to race to the finish line.
What I don’t understand is why. Why the fuck have they all been deceiving me? Why not just marry me to the fucking real Arianna? Or why not tell me the woman I couldn't stop getting hard for was actually Gaia? That’s the part that doesn’t make sense.
I don’t even give a shit that her family was lying. What digs a knife into my heart is that she lied. Even after our wedding night, she lied and then fucking left. No explanation. No respect for her fucking husband. I’m so pissed at this betrayal I can barely see straight.
I’m on my second glass when the soldier from Cali calls back. “I found it, boss, the marriage license between you and Gaia Bencivenga. The glass shatters when it drops to the ground.
Shit, the marriage is real! His favorite daughter is my wife.
It’s time to pay my “princess” a visit.
I’ve been afraid to check my phone. The last voice message I accidently played from Carmine, he sounded furious: "It's either you fucking trust me or you don't. Why the fuck did you bother marrying me then?"
Since then, I’ve kept the phone turned off. Nothing or nobody is more important than father right now. After visiting my father in the hospital, I swing by the family church. I need to make a few confessions and pray for my father. Security enters the church with me, and I make my way to the confession area.
I enter the confession box and sit, trying to gather my thoughts. I wait for a few moments. The door to the priest’s side opens and closes, telling me the priest has entered. I can’t see him very well through the divider, so I just start speaking.
“I have so many sins that I—”
The divider opens suddenly and I turn my head. I’m stunned into silence as a pistol is pointed at my face. Even worse, my husband is holding it.