Page 48 of Useless Love



My eyes open and an excruciating pain rushes through my head. Those damn shots last night were really too much, even for me. Anna and I were out all night at some bar I can't even remember right now. While poor Anna tried unsuccessfully to incite Dante Salvatore into storing her number in his phone, I was on the lap of some faceless man enjoying too much alcohol. At least I made it back to the penthouse.

Groaning, I roll over in bed and glance at the clock. It’s after twelve.Half the day has passed me by. I don’t give a shit, but my family will bitch about it.

I slowly stumble into the bathroom, brush my teeth, and then walk out into the hallway to grab something to eat that won’t make me puke. As I pass by Mother’s room, the door is cracked and I hear Gaia’s voice. I pause to listen.

"You are breaking your own heart before it even happens," Mother says.

Gaia sniffs and it sounds like she’s been crying. "I feel like I'm falling off a cliff. Soon, I’m going to hit the ground."

"Oh, Gaia, you are so dramatic. How long can you avoid Carmine? It has already been a week."

What the fuck? She’s supposed to spend time with the man, not avoid him. I’ve been out of the house a lot lately and haven’t really wanted to deal with anyone, so Gaia and I haven’t been talking. She keeps approaching me like she wants to talk, but I’ve just been needing a break from this family. All they do is bitch at me. Can’t they see I’m grieving for my brother in my own way? I just want to be left alone.

I sigh. I thought Gaia could handle the task she was given but looks like she can’t even do that. It’s just one simple task: get fucking Jr. Gaudino to the altar. That’s it! Guess I'll need to give her a damn pep talk soon. Otherwise, she’s going to fuck up my entire revenge plan.

"Mother,” Gaia whines, “I need to stop putting myself in circumstances I can't control. As soon as Carmine looks at me, I'm a completely different person. Father was right in picking Arianna. She’s so much stronger. That’s why she needs to be the one to marry him."

What does that mean? Don’t tell me she’s thinking of marrying him. That’s not good. That’ll fuck up my entire plan. I need to get him to the altar ASAP before she tries to convince Father to let the Gaudinos have her. Though I doubt Father would ever agree to that—he loves his “princess” too much.

I slip past Mother’s room and go to the kitchen. It's best I speak to Gaia when our mother isn't present. My words will have a greater impact without Mother interfering and trying to dissuade Gaia. I enter the kitchen and stumble on Father grabbing something from the fridge. Slowly, my feet retreat backward.

"Half the fucking day has passed, Arianna," he says, turning to me.

Shit. I've been spotted. Guess there’s no choice, so I walk forward into the room and wait for the lecture. All I wanted was some fucking juice.

“I’m not feeling the best. What do you expect?"

Father frowns, pulling out a sandwich our chef made. "Liquor will fucking do that.”

I ignore him and grab some apple juice, which surprisingly helps my stomach during a hangover. But Father isn’t done with me, so I brace myself for the threats.If my father is speaking, I have to listen if I don’t want a beating.

"Victoria and Gaia are not puppets to be used for your amusement,” he says, plating his sandwich. “You can stomp around here with a chip on your shoulder all you like. However, when you step foot outside this building, you are a Bencivenga. Try to act with more fucking dignity for the family."

Unable to help it, I mutter, "I'm the only one acting like a Bencivenga."

I instantly regret it. That’s the kind of comment I can only say behind his back, not to his face. As his mouth spreads into a snarl, a flash of heat hits the back of my neck. Father begins walking over to me. I don’t move because there’s no use running; if I’m due a beating, I’ll get it.

When he’s right in my face, he says, "Are you planning to teach me how a fucking Bencivenga acts? Like I don’t know?"

I lower my gaze.

Then he snaps, "Speak the fuck up. Don't hold that useless tongue of yours now."

I meet his gaze but keep my shoulder hunched. I’m not stupid enough to antagonize Father, so I keep quite and let him continue lecturing.

"If you leave this building and bring shame to my family, you'll get your fucking wish. I'll become the killing Bencivenga you personally long to meet."

The two of us stand there looking at each other for far too long. Thank goodness Nico appears and says, "Father, let's go."

Father gives me one last threatening glare, then grabs his sandwich and leaves with Nico.

This man fucking hates me. I’m loyal to this family, but why does it seem like I’m the only one willing to protect it?

I was going to talk to Gaia, but I should lay low for a few days. I grab a snack and then pack my stuff. I’ll stay with my cousin Anna for a few days. If Father and I don't lay eyes on each other for a while, it lessens the chance of my dead body being found in the Hudson River.