Page 15 of Useless Love

I flinch at his rough words and take the glass from him quickly. I lower my gaze. “I wouldn’t phrase it that way, but I am willing to bear your children. I will bear babies who carry both the Bencivenga and Gaudino namesakes. Hopefully, our children will live to see old age.”

He snorts. “You’re an innocent one, aren’t you? Or maybe you’re stupid.”

Exhausted, my gaze flickers between the central park view and Carmine’s harsh expression. The men in our world are always like this; I had only hoped he would be different and we’d finally have peace. Guess I was wrong.

Taking his response as a firm no, I stand to exit the room. “Please give Carla my best, Mr. Gaudino.”

I take a step forward and then he grabs my arm, stopping me. I gasp. No one has ever dared touch me. Father would kill them all. For a split second, I worry Carmine will kill me before the guard has a chance to draw his gun. What a great joke that would be; we invite them for peace, and they kill one more Bencivenga.

The guard steps forward and Carmine releases my arm, stepping back. Carmine studies my face, which must have panic written all over it.

“Relax,” Carmine says. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

I signal to the guard to stand down. It’s probably foolish, but I’m going to give Carmine the benefit of the doubt. He better not be lying.



I know I shouldn’t have touched her, and I’m lucky the guard didn’t shoot me, but where the fuck is she going? I just needed a moment to collect my thoughts. This morning, I had no idea what arrangement I was walking into, and we just met. She expects me to decide now? I don’t know if I can trust this girl.

I don’t know if I can trust my old man. Could he have found out that I killed his bastard children and whore?

I want to agree to marriage on the chance it will keep my last two remaining family members alive, but I also don’t want to make a mistake. I’m not in my right mind right now because this Judas in my pants has been rock hard since Arianna walked back in the room. I’m thinking with my dick right now because all I want to do is bury my head between her legs, then get those tits in my mouth. After that, I want to fuck her until I forget about every Gaudino her family killed.

But that’s irrational. I just need a moment to collect my thoughts.

She’s looking at me nervously, so I say, “I’m not going to hurt you, but we’re both adults. Don’t you think running from the room mid-conversation is a tad dramatic?”

Arianna looks confused. “Mr. Gaudino, I don’t know what conversation you’re talking about. I’ve mostly been talking to myself; you’ve barely responded.”

“Carmine,” I growl.


I flex my jaw. “It’s not ‘Mr. Gaudino.’ I am Carla’s brother. My name is Carmine. And I’d appreciate it if you use my name when you speak from that pretty little mouth.” She turns her head in an attempt to hide her expression, but I catch the blush creeping up her cheeks. My dick twitches again.

Hell, dead bodies could be piled high on both sides, and I’d still be thinking about fucking her. My body is desperate to get close to her again, but I glance at the guard. His hand is on his holster and he’s ready to shoot me in an instant.

“Fine,” she says. “Carmine, are you ready to sit and talk?”

I nod, then I follow her to the couch, sitting uncomfortably close. Uncomfortable for the traitor between my legs.

What. The. Fuck.

Arianna shifts, crossing her legs and placing her graceful hands in her lap. She gives me a shy look. I’ve been looking for signs of deception, but I’m not finding any. She’s no temptress sent by Bencivenga to lure me to my death. She talked bravely enough when proposing marriage, but then she didn’t try to push it. My silence nearly broke her—I could tell by the look on her face. The brown eyes that gazed up at me were full of innocence.It cut to my soul.

She’s like a little lamb thinking I’m the wolf that’s going to eat her. Maybe I am, but I don’t think I want to.

Maybe she’s really interested in peace. That’s one thing we already have in common.

I drape my arm along the back of the couch, my fingers close to grazing her shoulders. “Before I say yes to an engagement, do you understand that your allegiance will be to me and my organization? I won’t have a spy living with me. Your monster of a father has killed enough.”

She frowns. “Meanwhile, your family is completely innocent, right? It’s not like three of my brothers and several cousins are dead. We’re all alive and well.”

She’s right; both sides have blood on their hands.

“Arianna, I’m not saying—”