Page 11 of Useless Love

Mother continues, "We have to make sure nobody else leaves this family. You girls, Arianna, Nico…you must stay with me." With a sigh, Mother pulls Victoria into a hug. "Kitten, you are so young, so at least I know you’ll be with me a while longer. Nobody ever wants to leave; it just happens. But at least I have you until you’re twenty-one. Maybe longer."

My heart twists and before I can say anything, Arianna steps into the room."We’ll do whatever is necessary to make sure Victoria stays with you a long time,” she says to Mother. She sits on the couch.

"Like what?" Victoria asks. “I don’t get to go to college?”

"Don't worry about it,” Arianna says. “Your big sisters are going to protect you."

Victoria shrugs but Mother makes eye contact with me. Does she sense something? If she does, she doesn’t speak up about it.

I stay quiet, observing the scene.

"Gaia, are you okay?" Mother finally asks.

Am I okay? No. Is anyone ok? No. "I'm fine, Mother, just thinking."

"You look like something is wrong.”

I put on my brightest smile forward. "Of course not. We’re together as a family and that’s how it’s going to stay. Right, Ari?"

Arianna nods. "We have to stick together. Sisters protect each other."Mother seems to be satisfied by that and returns to watching TV.

"I'm in," Victoria says with a smile.

Me too, little sister. Me too.



I got no fucking sleep last night. Who the hell sleeps before looking into the eyes of your enemy over lunch? A part of me is certain we’re all going to die. I told the old man my concerns, so thankfully he left Carla at home. No way in hell I’m bringing the last person who shares the blood of both my parents with us to die. If I die, my sister and my mother can rule whatever is left for however long they can hold off our enemies.

My body is tense as we ride up the elevator to Bencivenga's penthouse on an unlisted floor. We have two guards with us, but not enough. No enemy has ever made it this far into Bencivenga territory—that’s how deadly they are. That’s why we’ve lost more men than they have. If this lunch goes bad, we’re goners.

My old man is showing his nerves, pacing and wringing his hands, and it’s fucking embarrassing.

The elevator doors open and we’re greeted by the mother of all Bencivenga bitches. “Welcome, please come in,” she says, giving us a tight smile.

I snarl at her. If this woman didn’t give birth to any babies, my family would be alive and intact.

The man himself, Antonio Bencivenga, appears next, looking sharp in a gray business suit. “Come in,” he says, giving us an even look..

We follow him in, our guards lingering around the perimeter of the room next to five Bencivenga guards. We’re clearly out-matched but I’m glad we have at least some guards on enemy territory. We all sit around a large dining table, and I glance out the window. Below, Central Park stretches out into the distance. I have to admit, this is a swanky place—marble floors, mahogany furniture, gold accents. It puts our little townhouse to shame.

Unexpectedly, two young women who share the same face, and who are wearing the exact same black dress, appear from out of a hallway. I recognize those identical faces—I’ve seen that face a few times before, especially when I’ve picked up Carla from University. Fuck. My sister has been attending classes with a Bencivenga bitch? Which one, though? And why didn’t I know that? Carla uses a fake name so the Bencivenga daughter must too.

This isn’t good. Ever since I’ve seen That Face, I’ve been jerking off to her regularly. I feel a bit sick realizing I had been jerking off to my sworn enemy.

I try not to, but I can’t stop staring. The Bencivenga’s daughters are hot. Long dark hair, curvy bodies, triple-D tits. One also looks a bit more innocent than the other.

Fuck, I really don’t like this. If I look at them any longer I’m going to get hard, just like I did that first time I saw That Face. What a fucking nightmare.

Thankfully, a teenage girl enters, likely the last sister, and distracts me for a moment. She also stands off to the side. I scan the room and take note that Nico isn’t here. He’s the last of the Bencivenga male bloodline. Bencivenga is smart. I’d definitely kill him on my way out if things took a turn for the worst.

My stupid eyes dart back to the hot-as-fuck identical twins. Since I haven’t been able to get release lately with my usual whores, I think about ripping that dress off one of them—both of them—and fucking them hard until their massive tits are sore from bouncing.

I peel my eyes away. I need to focus.

The murderer of my two fiancées and many siblings claps his hands. Some servers step forward with silver trays, setting them down in front of us and removing the lids—a lobster lunch.