“Be straight with me. Do you suspect he had a part in our father getting shot?”
I shrug again. “I’m just fucking dotting the i's and crossing the t's.”
Nico frowns. “Fine. Don’t tell me. He is Father’s brother. I’ve known him my whole life. But if we find out this was him, he is...”
“Dead,” we both say in unison.
Nico leaves and I go back to strategizing, looking through some folders I snuck out of Father’s office. My phone dings with a notification. I pick it up and scowl.The message is from Jr. Gaudino. Gaia gave him my number, and he wants to meet. I’m tempted to ambush him, but I gave my word to Gaia not to pounce until I have proof. Surprisingly, I’m going to keep my word this time. But, no way in hell am I leaving without some vials of poison and my gun just in case.
We agree to meet at a discreet hotel, so I grab some guards and we head out.
When I get to the correct room, I knock. Gaia’s husband opens the door. He’s in a suit like usual and I grimace, thinking about how I kissed him that one day. Yuck.
The first thing he says is, “I didn’t try to kill your father.”
I put a hand on my hip. “Sure, I’ll just take your word for it. Guess there’s no reason to meet.”
He frowns and steps out of the doorway so me and my guards can enter the room. After he closes the door, he says, “Whatever., The point is, there must be someone else you guys suspect. Someone who is trying to frame my organization.”
“Even if I had another suspect, why the fuck would I tell you?”
He crosses his arms. “The sooner this is cleared up, the sooner Gaia can relax. She may already be carrying my child, so I don’t want her stressed.”
“How fucking sweet, “ I reply, snarling. I’ll play nice for my sister’s sake, but I don’t think I’ll ever like this guy.
He must be used to women either doing what he wants or instantly dropping their panties, because he gets in my face and says, “Listen bitch, I was knee deep in your sister’s good pussy out in California. I wasn’t planning a hit. And she told me all about your manipulations. Don’t think I like you or give two shits about your opinion. But we have a common goal, so let’s get this over with so we don’t have to deal with each other.”
I walk to the mini-bar and grab some shots, hoping they’re expensive since Jr. Gaudino is paying for this room. “Fine. I’m looking into my Uncle, but I don’t have anything solid yet. You?”
He watches me raid the mini-bar with a frown. “My old man. He’s been scheming and keeps escaping my men. My guys are watching him and asking around to see if anyone has any clues. If he played a part, he likely hired someone to shoot Bencivenga since my old man has always been too chicken shit to get his hands dirty.”
I smirk. “My Uncle is the same way. Seems they’re a lot alike.”
Our eyes meet and it’s like a lightbulb goes off in both of our heads at the same time.
“Shit,” Carmine says, thinking exactly what I am.
The two old bastards have been working together.
“I’ll do what I can to take care of my old man,” Jr. Gaudino says, “and you do the same for your Uncle.”
“Finally, we agree on something,” I say, finishing a shot. Time to get to work.
Twenty minutes after strategizing with Jr. Gaudino I head over to the hospital. Enter a room, and again stare long and hard at my strong powerful father. Just fucking laying there, with these tubes, looking weak. I’ve never seen him weak a day in my life. Even when, watching him lose three children, Father has always been strong. Nothing has broken him. My eyes, begin to water, this is why I prefer to visit alone. When the others cry it’s acceptable, but I’m just like father, a rock that can’t be broken.
Last night, I kicked Uncle Agostini out. Well, I have no power, but I convince Nico to gather some guards and do it. I really hope Father pulls through and survives this because our family is fucked if he doesn’t.
As guards surrounded Uncle at dinner, he started yelling and carrying on like a child. “You’re all fucking ungrateful! I’m trying to protect this family and lead. But I guess you’re all happier getting slaughtered. Have it your way!”
The guards followed him as he packed up his shit, grabbed his whore, and stormed to the elevator. His whore was showing half her ass because her dress was so short. And before the elevator doors shut, she winked at Nico. He winked back and licked his lips.I laughed and glanced at my brother. “You were fucking her?”
“Why the hell not? Uncle even told me to. He said her pussy would help with my grief. It kind of did.”
Agostini is a sly old bastard; he brought that slut just to try to get Nico to follow him. Nothing makes a man stupider like good pussy, so he probably thought he could distract Nico and seize power. Too bad for him Nico isn’t that stupid. He is Antonio Bencivenga’s son, after all, and not easily swayed by outsiders.
“What an idiot,” I say.