Page 66 of Marked By Mayhem

The waiter takes our orders, and as the evening unfolds, I find myself drawn to the way Ella engages in conversation. Her laughter is lovely, weaving through the air and creating a cocoon of joy. It's in these moments that I realize how breathtaking she is, not just in appearance but in the essence of who she is. How can someone not fall in love with her?

The subtle play of light and shadow highlights the contours of her face. I lose myself in the details – the way her curls fall, the curve of her cherry lips when she speaks, and the genuine warmth in her eyes. I have hit the jackpot, or at least she makes me feel that way.

As we talk, the world outside the restaurant seems to fade away. It's just me and her, and it feels almost surreal. I have not felt like this before. The clinking of cutlery and soft hum of conversation become a distant murmur, overshadowed by the sound of her voice. She looks at me timidly. I want to kiss her everywhere.

“Same place where we first met.”

“Same place I fell for you.” I reply.

"Is the owner around? I'd like to speak to him," she teases, replicating our first encounter.

I lean back, a smirk playing on my lips. "Oh, you must be new here. I am the owner." Her feigned surprise mirrors the actual embarrassment she experienced that day.

"Oh, really? I had no idea. I thought the owner would be, you know, someone older and bald." She makes flaunting gestures with her hands.

I chuckle. "Appearances can be deceiving, can't they? Now, what brings you to The Odeon?"

She adopts an air of mystery, her eyes dancing. "Well, I heard this place is popular. Thought I'd check it out."

"Popular indeed," I respond, playing along. "You have a good taste. What can I get you?"

Ella glances at the me with feigned contemplation. "Hmm, surprise me."

"Coming right up," I assure her. "I'll make sure it's sophisticated enough for your refined taste." When the playful banter shifts into a more intimate exchange, I decide to tell her the story behind The Odeon, revealing the significance it has to my family.

"You know," I begin, a touch of nostalgia coloring my voice, "this place is more than just a club. It's a piece of my family's legacy. My grandfather started the business here, my father carried it forward, and now, it symbolizes our heritage."

Leaning in, Ella expresses genuine intrigue. "That's beautiful. I had no idea it meant so much to your family."

"It's more than a business; it's a connection to our roots It reminds me of my Dad."

She places her hand on mine and I smile. “He must be so proud of you.”

"You know, Ella," I say, a softness in my tone, "thinking of you here on that first day, even now, it brings a smile to my face because that day I saw my forever in you." I clear my throat, the weight of unspoken emotions urging me to express what's been on my mind.

"Ella," I begin, my voice a low rumble. "There's something I need to say."

She looks at me, her eyes curious and attentive. "What is it?"

A moment of hesitation holds me back for a second before I continue. "I want you to know how grateful I am. Grateful for your presence in my life, for the understanding you've shown. You've seen the worst side of me, a side I am not proud of, and yet you didn’t run away."

Her expression softens, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "You don't need to thank me. I'm here because I want to be."

I smile, acknowledging the sincerity in her voice. "I know, but it means more than you can imagine. The world I live in isn't kind, and the people who enter it often do so with caution. But you... you've accepted it, accepted me, despite the darkness."

She reaches across the table, her hand finding mine. There's a warmth in her touch, a silent reassurance. "Tommaso, we all have our shadows. I've seen yours, but I've also seen the man behind them. You're more than that."

I squeeze her hand. "Thank you for seeing beyond my darkness, for accepting the parts of me that were hard."

Ella's gaze lingers on mine, and there's a depth in her eyes that mirrors the emotions swirling within me. "You’re the one who made me change my mind. We all have our struggles. I see you for who you are, not just the leader of a clan. And I appreciate the honesty you've shared with me."

She is the best thing that's happened to me. I want her to know that. We continue to finish our pasta and I don’t take my eyes off her. I simply can’t.

"Never thought it would end up like this, no?" I say after I have finished.

"Mmh. I’m glad it did."

Leaning closer, I lock eyes with her. "And you know what would make this even better?"