Page 10 of Marked By Mayhem

He hasn’t changed since college. His self-assertiveness has just gotten worse.

"Oh, how can I forget that torture? Your impeccable navigation skills led us straight into the wilderness. I thought we were going to discover a new species of mosquitoes." He chuckles. "And then there was that questionable motel with the neon sign flickering. I swear it looked haunted."

"And we ended up staying because you thought it was a good idea." We share a laugh.

"Good times, huh? Speaking of, any new developments in the romance department?"

I roll my eyes playfully. He enjoys doing this to me. "The eternal question. No, my dear matchmaker, my love life is still as thrilling as a spreadsheet. I would be interested to know if there are any sparks flying on your end..."

"Well, you know me—the hopeless romantic. I've been swiping left and right, hoping to stumble upon Mr. Right. Or at least Mr. Doesn't-Text-Like-a-Robot."

I snort.

"What? What's wrong with settling down? You can't resist the domestic bliss forever," he suggests, raising an eyebrow.

Yeah. Right.

"Oh, please. Don’t get started Reed."

"Maybe I know someone intriguing," he teases, leaning in conspiratorially.

I mock horror, "A blind date? Do people still do that in the age of Tinder and Bumble?"

"Call me old-fashioned, but sometimes, the best connections happen when you least expect them."

"And if he turns out to be a lumberjack with a pet squirrel, you owe me Taco Bell for a month," I mock.

Reed grins, "Deal! Who knows, this might be the beginning of your epic love story."

We laugh. "Enough about that," he says.

He smiles, and I can see what he means—his nose is a little bit off center.

“How is work going?” he asks.

Ah. Work.

I look at my phone.

One hour to go.

“Not bad,” I smile. “I think I might be getting the opportunity to do something I am actually interested in today.”

“Really?! Don’t tell me Frank asked you to stay the night in return for that?!” he jests.

“Fuck off, Reed.” I smile at my own thoughts of a studded future in journalism.

This better be the breakthrough I have been waiting for.

Chapter Five


1:45 pm. Perfect timing, Ella.

I walk into the bustling, disheveled office of Bel-Air Magazine, my mind already reeling with ideas for my groundbreaking article that will showcase my true potential as a reporter.

The usual hum of ringing phones and hurried footsteps fills the air as I make my way to my desk. I drop my bag on the table and hurry to Frank’s office.