Page 57 of Forbidden Devotion

“We can go see him,” Dad said softly. “Before they send him back.”

I broke.

It was sudden and sharp, and it twisted something in the center of me. Almost like a one-way mirror breaking, showing me what was on the other side. I just felt this utter despair. Fabrizio was staying in prison.

My Dad pulled me in, and I held onto his shoulder. It was a long time coming, honestly—I was the Marino family emotional wreck, the pouty goofball, and even though I’d always had a core of steel underneath it, I’d been so focused on revenge that I’d forgotten to actually exist. It all came down on me at once.

Mom rubbed my back as dad held me close. I felt little. Even Selene, who was so angry with me, hugged me. Feeling almost two months’ worth of fear, anxiety, heartbreak, denial, and pain all at once made it hard to notice, but I was grateful they were all there. I was sure the masses would find it very entertaining.

Eventually, the four of us were herded into a side room where Fabrizio waited for us. Lauren was nowhere to be seen.

My brother was, understandably, put off by the despair on our faces and immediately busted out, “Whoah, whoah, whoah, hey. Jesus, guys, it’s okay!”

“It’s not okay,” I seethed, throwing my arms around him. He was already in cuffs, but he leaned into me anyway, clearly relishing the physical contact just as much as I was. I’d never gone this long without hugging my brother. “Do you know what it takes to get a verdict overturned? Even if I find Baron right now, you’ll be in there for months before they go through the whole exoneration process?—”

Fabri pushed on my chest, staring at me with confused eyes. “Baron? Declan Baron?” he asked.

“Who else could set something this elaborate up?” I retorted. “That video was perfectly edited, and you and Lauren spun such a great story, but?—”

“Stop,” Fabrizio demanded, frowning. “Rich, stop. The video wasn’t edited. I killed Tobias Cole.”

I froze, uncomprehending. “What?” I asked, eyes wide. He looked at me, steel in his eyes.

“I killed Tobias Cole,” he said. “There are no cameras in this room, no attorneys, just us. I’m telling you the truth. I threw him in front of that car, and I don’t regret it.” I shook my head.

“No,” I denied, confused.

“I tried to tell you,” Mom said from behind me, “but you kept avoiding me.” I turned my head and stared at her. Then Dad, then Selene. They all looked at me without a hint of surprise. They’d all known.

The last weeks flashed through my head. Every time my mom knocked on my door, or Dad tried to have a conversation with me, and the way I turned them down each time. I saw all the times I had pulled away when they had reached out, and realized that they were trying to tell me that. That Fabrizio had killed a man.

It shook my foundation. For the last five weeks, I’d been hell-bent on proving an innocence that didn’t exist, desperate to keep my little brother little, at least in my own head. But he wasn’t a child anymore, and he was a Marino. He grew up in the same world I did. He was further from it, obviously, but blood and death weren’t new to him. I felt that knowledge settle in me. I… I had completely missed him changing.

And if he wasn’t innocent, then I had accused Lauren for nothing.

“Rich,” Fabrizio said, and I turned back to him. He looked at me seriously. “Finding Baron isn’t going to free me. I’m going away now, and I’ve accepted that. Honestly, when the judge gave her sentencing verdict, I almost cried in relief. You know I was facing up to life without parole? Lauren got the charges amended and got me the shortest possible sentence. Hell, half of it is going to be parole! I should be in here until I’m forty, but I’ll be out in just three years. You have no idea what a miracle that is.”

Three years sounded awful. Imagining him celebrating his fortieth birthday behind bars? That was enough to make me want to retch.

“That’s why it’s okay,” he continued. “It sucks in there, but I’m going to be fine. I’ve already figured out a few things and made a few worthwhile allies. You have the guards on your payroll, and we have our guys inside to help me, too. This is the good ending. Okay?”

My mouth opened, then closed. The good ending? I couldn’t believe Fabrizio in a cell counted as the good ending, but as the whole situation was reframing itself in my mind, I realized that was exactly what it was. Lauren had performed a miracle after I screamed at her for not trying hard enough.

“This is the part where you say ‘okay’ so I know you haven’t flatlined,” Fabri prodded. I snorted and pulled him back in, throat burning again.

“Yeah, yeah, I got you,” I said, voice rough. “I got you, you little shit.” he laughed, and I heard Mom chuckle wetly behind me. I squeezed Fabrizio hard.

“Rich,” Selene said, and I looked back at her. “Your phone.”

I reached my hand down and, sure enough, my phone’s screen was blinking. I’d turned off the sound for the trial, and I hated vibrate mode, so only the light coming through the fabric of my pocket alerted me to an incoming call.

“It’s Mark,” I said. “This might be about Declan Baron.” Fabri nudged me with a grin.

“Fuck ‘im up for me, ‘kay? I expect at least one of his teeth in my next care package.”

A smile slid over my own face, along with the strange feeling of certainty that everything was going to be okay. So I kissed him on the head, kissed mom and Selene on the cheek as I passed them, and clasped my dad’s shoulder.

“I’ll bring you the whole set,” I promised.