Page 10 of Gentle Love

The officer, Onyx’s brother, nodded sharply and turned his attention back to me. “Emily, did you keep any of the letters or messages? Do you still have the number he called you from in your call log?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Smart girl. I’ll tell you what: We need you to have Onyx bring you into the station tomorrow. Can you bring us the letters? Your phone provider can email you a copy of all your calls and texts; do you think you could get that for us too?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. With those things, we should have enough evidence to get him on several different charges. Tomorrow, I would like to talk to you more about The Movement, okay? That will take a little longer for us to sort through, but we will do our best, okay? We’re gonna make sure we do everything we can to put him and anyone that has hurt you away.”

“Y-you believe me?” I must have misunderstood. There was no way it was that simple. I just told them what happened and they believed me? They didn’t need to talk to the elders or see our bylaws?

Officer Ravenscroft’s face softened. He took a few steps toward me and then knelt down so we were eye to eye. “We do believe you, Emily. Did he tell you we wouldn't?”

“He said that The Movement was exempt from the laws because it was a religious organization.”

“He lied to you, sweetheart. That’s what men like him do. They manipulate anything and everyone they can. There are gray areas between the law and cults, but stalking and abduction are illegal regardless. He broke the law, Emily. We’re on your side.”

I slumped against Onyx. I was relieved and exhausted at the same time. This was so much information to process.

Onyx held my hand as they took pictures of my face. Once they were done, he turned me so we were chest to chest and he rubbed my back after guiding my head to his shoulder. I was thankful for the reprieve. I was a bit overwhelmed.

“Alright, darlin’. We’re going to take him to the station. You just focus on getting checkedout and we’ll handle this.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied from Onyx’s shoulder.

“Will she be staying with you?”


“Okay, let me know what Elliot says.”

“I will.”

“Okay, I love you. Take care of the Little one, please. And maybe try not to hit anyone else.”

I lifted my head to look at Onyx and saw him smirk. “I will try my best. Love you too.”

The officers left and I looked back at him, my brow furrowed as I tilted my head. “Did you hit him?”



“Because he hurt you and that’s not fucking acceptable.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I just laid back against his chest again.


“No,” I whined. I stood in the doorway, trying to keep Onyx from coming inside the bathroom.

“Yes,” Onyx argued.

“I can take a bath by myself.”

“I’m sure you normally could, but you’re been hurt. I don’t want you to get dizzy while you’re in the bath.”

“It’s like three feet of water,” I argued, rolling my eyes. “I promise you I won’t drown.”