Page 27 of Gentle Love

“That’s right, princess. He has no power over you. He’s just an old, sick, sad man that’s desperate for his glory days.”

Chapter Seven


I was proud of my Little one. Facing someone that had tormented her for years was a very brave thing to do. I held her hand as she walked into the room where Locken was waiting with John.

John tried to stand when he saw her, but he was handcuffed to the large metal table. It made a screeching noise as metal slid against metal when he tried to rise. Locken put his hand on John’s shoulder and pushed him back down.

“Jezebel, girl, you need to…”

I tensed when he addressed her, but I didn’t need to. Emily stepped forward, her expression and stance fearless. “I don’t need to do anything, John. I won’t do anything. You only want me to help you regain your status in a population of shitty people. The adults should have protected us of and none of you even stepped up and stopped the harsh discipline or sexual abuse that was happening to us. My father beat us—so badly that Rouge and I were relieved when he left us with you. We naively believed things would get better. But, you beat us too. You all have caused so many children so much trauma. Whatever time you did in jail wasn’t enough. You lied to me and made me believe that you were powerful, but really you’re just pathetic. Leave me alone. Leave all of us alone. I’m going to talk to whoever I need to talk to, to make sure you’re punished for the hell you put me through these last few months too. I’m not going to be a victim anymore, John.”

“You stupid little whore,” he spat in disgust.

I curled my fists and rolled my wrists. I couldn’t hit him again, but damn, I wanted to. I put my hand on Emily’s back and tried to guide her from the room, but she pulled away from me and took another step toward John.

Her movements were slow and she was trembling this time, but her voice was strong when she spoke. “It’s funny that you find me a ‘stupid, little whore’ when just a few minutes ago, you said I was ‘God’s plan to rebuild The Movement’. You’re a fucking loser, John. Leave me alone.”

She turned and walked from the room and through the office. I followed a few feet behind her, letting her have a minute. She walked outside to my truck and stood by the passenger door as she waited for me. Smiling, I hurried to her, unlocking and opening it for her.

“Onyx?” she asked, not making a move to get in.

“Yes, princess?”

“Did you know all of this yesterday?”

“I did, baby.” I was prepared for the question I’d known she was going to ask. I’d been prepared with my answer since yesterday. It had been a hard decision to keep this from her and act like everything was fine, but she’d been so sick and I knew the added stress would make it worse. I also hadn’t wanted her to lose any sleep over today.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

I lifted her into the truck so we could be eye to eye. “Sometimes Tops have to make hard decisions for their Bottoms. As your Daddy, it is my job to protect you from as much yuckiness as I can. I couldn’t protect you from the people who had already hurt you, but I could protect you from unnecessary worry. If I had told you we were coming to the station so you could hear the lies from John directly, you would have worried all night. You wouldn’t have felt relaxed and your migraine would have continued. You would have felt worse. The lack of sleep would have made you emotional and you wouldn’t have been able to focus as well on what we were telling you and what John was saying. It was a very hard choice to keep this from you, but I felt like it was what was best for my princess.”

Staying true to her Emily qualities, she was quiet as she reflected on my words. Taking my hand and kissing it, she tucked it under her chin. “Thank you, Daddy. You’re right. I would have been so scared. I wouldn’t have had the courage to stand up to him like I did today.”

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on the lips. “I’m so proud of you, Emily. You were so brave.”

“It felt really good.”

“I bet. Do you feel better overall? Does it feel a little less scary?” I wouldn’t pretend everything would be normal for her now. She would probably always be fearful and have anxiety. She’d lived a nightmare for years; it wouldn’t just get magically better all of a sudden just because she finally knew the truth.

Emily seemed to know this, and chewed thoughtfully on her bottom lip before answering. “I feel lighter. Like maybe I can finally live my life. I’m still a bit scared, though.”

“Yeah, that’s normal, baby. You went through a big trauma that lasted up until today. It will take a long time to work through everything, but Daddy will be with you through all the healing, okay?”

She nodded. “Can we go home now?”

I kissed her forehead. I was so pleased to hear her refer to my house as “home”.

“We can, princess. I think you need a day full of snuggles, yeah?”

“Don’t you have to work today?”

She was right, I would normally work today, but thankfully, I had some amazing co-workers who had stepped up so I could spend extra time with my Little one.

“I took some time off to spend with my best girl,” I explained, dropping a kiss on her nose before buckling her in and closing the door. I was ready to get Emily home too. My Daddy heart needed comfort as much as her Little heart did.
