Page 16 of Gentle Love

“So, tiny,” he agreed. “I believe Emily is ‘so tiny’ too.”

I scoffed. “I’m seven.”

Onyx threw his head back and let out a loud laugh.“Bullshit.”

“Not bullshit! I am seven!”

“Oh, really?” He put an arm on either side of me and caged me against the backsplash. “You’re seven?”

“Yes,” I confidently answered.

“So you don’t need a diaper then? Or a baba? Or for me to rock you before putting you down for bednight in my special princess crib?”

I shook my head, but I was feeling much less confident.

“Okay, I guess I can just keep my pretty pink baba in the cabinet and you can drink the shake all by yourself,” he taunted.

Pretty pink baba?!

“Wait! Wait. Let’s talk about this.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”

“I am actually… just a tiny bit… not really seven.”

He gasped, looking not at all shocked. “No?”

I giggled at him. “No.”

“I know, Little one.” He kissed my nose. “For the record, even if you were ‘seven’, you could still have a baba and a diaper. You could have anything you wanted. There are no rules about what you can and can’t have at certain ages. Little-space ages are pretty fluid. There is a rule about being true to yourself, though, and I want you to be true to Baby Emily.”

I flushed and played with the drawstring on the hoodie he’d changed into after his shower.

“Besides, I really want to spend some time with Baby Emily.”

Chapter Four


I crept into the nursery to check on Emily. She’d been sleeping for a few hours. I could see her fine on the camera, but it just made me feel better to hear her breathing too.

I found her laying on her belly with one leg drawn up and one arm under the pillow. One little foot with pink polish on the toes stuck out from the blanket. She had tossed her socks over the railing at some point. I made a mental note to remember she didn’t like to sleep in socks.

I hated to be cliche, but I couldn’t imagine how much my nights would suck if she went back to her apartment. I’d left her downstairs with Pike and Dallas for a bit, earlier tonight. I needed to grab a shower and change clothes since she’d had an accident. Even in that short amount of time, I’d found myself antsy about being away from her, and she’d just been downstairs. How neurotic would I be if she was across town? What would I do with my nights if I couldn’t feed her a bottle and rock her before bed? Having her tiny body fall asleep in my lap had made me feel like fucking Superman. Like I was invincible. I had to convince her to move in with me. Was it fast? Yes. Was she going to argue at first? Yes. Did I care? Hell no. She’d probably think I was possessive and over the top, but too damn bad.

From the crib, Emily let out a tiny whimper. I walked over and patted her diapered bottom. The diaper was soggy. I smiled to myself. That was a good thing. It meant she was relaxed. I set up the changing table with the items I needed before letting the railing down and gently scooping her from the crib. She startled a bit and I patted her bottom. “It’s okay, princess. It’s just me. I’m just going to change your diaper.”

“Nu,” she whined around her pacifier.

“I don’t want you to get a rash or have a cold tushie.”


“No isn’t your safe word, darlin’,” I reminded her as I laid her down. She held her wet diaper with her hands. In the light of the lamp, I could see the bruising on her face. It was less than what I had expected, but still fury flew through me. I tempered it for her sake, and smiled at her grouchy little face.

“Nu. Mimmi’s not wet.”

“Emily is very wet,” I said, moving her hands out of the way as she scowled at me. “Such a grumpy baby,” I cooed as I removed the diaper, wiped her bare skin, and pulled out new ones for her to choose from. “Do you want diggers or pandas?”