Page 24 of Gentle Love

I giggled at his silliness. I loved that he was playing along with me. “It doesn’t say that!”

“How do you know?”

“Bring it here, I’ll read it and prove it doesn’t say that.”

“Ah, to Little ones it only looks like a cookbook. You have to have Daddy eyes to read it,” he countered.

I sighed and picked up my spoon. I guess I could let him win this one battle. He earned it for his creativity.

Chapter Six


Have you told her yet?

I’d ignored the text when it came through the first four times and I ignored it this time too. I loved Dallas Kate to the moon and back, but she didn’t always know what was best, even if she thought she did.

“Daddy?” Emily’s soft voice piped up from the tub. After dinner, I’d decided she needed another bath to clean her up, but mostly it was because I just loved taking care of her in this way.

“Yes, princess?”

“I think I feel all better now. My head doesn’t hurt at all anymore.”

“I’m so glad, baby.” I picked up the cloth and applied the soap that had been delivered today. I’d given her a Tylenol suppository every six hours to keep the pain away, and I was glad it was working.

“Will you tell Elliot that Emily said ‘thank you’?”

“I will, but how about we take Uncle Elliot some donuts to the office tomorrow as a thank you?”

“Yes! You’re so smart, Daddy.”

“I like to think so,” I teased her as I began to gently wash her body. I loved the way her skin turned a soft pink from the heat of the water. Her nipples were only slightly darker. “You’re such a pretty baby, Emily.”

“Thank you, Dada.”

I finished my washing, and lifted her from the tub before carrying her to the nursery and diapering her up. “Do you want footies or another nightgown?”

She tapped her chin as she thought.

Fucking adorable.

“Can you pick, Daddy?”

“Of course I can. Daddy is always going to pick a nightgown because he loves the idea of being able to lift it and access your sweet little body.”

“I like that idea too.”



I carried her down to the kitchen and set her on the counter as I went through the routine of fixing her bottle, only this time with the protein mix Elliot left.

“Can Daddy rock you again, princess?”

She nodded so hard, I thought her little head might fall off her shoulders. I wanted her to be as happy as she could be right now. Tomorrow would be challenging.
